WriCampia 2025
Join Writopia Lab at our creative, fun, and productive sleepaway camp at Camp Danbee! Camp will run from Monday, August 11th through Friday, August 22nd!
At WriCampia, writers spend their mornings in intimate writing workshops led by published authors and produced playwrights, their afternoons participating in their choice of over 20 artistic and active electives, and their evenings at campfires, scavenger hunts, readings, and more. Read articles about camp by our campers and enjoy photos on our Facebook page.
WriCampia 2025 is currently accepting enrollments! Secure your spot today!
We welcome rising 5th graders through rising 12th graders. Bunks and workshops are organized by grade.
Rising 12th graders have the option of being Counselors-In-Training (CITs). CITs take part in camp as campers and also receive leadership opportunities that prepare them for professional experiences in the future.
We will provide buses to and from WriCampia for all campers. Buses will leave from and return to Manhattan; Brooklyn; Hartsdale, NY; and Washington, DC.
Review our Frequently Asked Questions.
Camp Culture
We are a literary arts camp and therefore we enjoy all things literary and creative! Each year we choose a book to serve as our camp theme. CITs read from the camp book each night to our youngest writers, building close relationships that reinforce a love of books. The camp book also inspires many of our evening activities, like our Scavenger Hunt and camp dance. Previous camp themes have been Alice in Wonderland, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and Howl’s Moving Castle. Campers are also decked out in camp swag, including a camp hoodie in a new color each year.
A Typical Camp Day
7:45 AM | Wake Up Call |
8:15 AM to 9 AM | Breakfast |
9 AM to 12 PM | Writing Workshop |
12 PM to 12:50 PM | Lunch |
12:45 PM to 1:50 PM | Daily Electives |
2:25 PM to 3 PM | Waterfront |
3 PM to 4 PM | Rest Hour |
4:15 PM to 5:35 PM | Elective Track |
5:45 PM to 6:30 PM | Dinner |
6:30 PM to 7:30 PM | Shower Hour & Free Time |
7:30 PM to 9 PM | Evening Activity |
9 PM | Lower Camp Curfew |
9 PM to 10 PM | Late Night Electives |
10 PM | Middle Camp Curfew (lights out 10:30 PM) |
10 PM | Upper/Senior Camp Curfew (lights out 11:00 PM) |
Writing Workshops
Campers spend three hours each morning in creative writing workshops. In small age-based, mixed-gender groups, campers engage in original and fun writing exercises and group games, develop a tiny literary community, and focus on writing and completing individual creative pieces dreamt up by them. Campers often submit their final pieces to our annual anthology, published each fall for all to enjoy.
Our Instructors
Workshops are led by instructors who are either published authors or produced playwrights and are experts in expanding young writers’ understanding of key literary tools and igniting their love of the written word. They are, in equal parts, passionate about both writing and the well-being of children and teens.
Workshops are filled with our lauded engaging, productive, and fun original writing games that help writers connect with each other through writing and imagination and also find depth and craft in their individual stories and characters.
College Essay
Almost all rising high school seniors choose to write their college essays at WriCampia with Writopia’s most experienced college essay writing instructors. We work to make it a surprisingly fun, supportive, and relaxing way to experience this high-stakes writing period.
After lunch, campers go to an elective of their choice, including horseback riding, zinemaking, poetry hikes, illustration, theater, tie-dye, memoir, novel writing, sports/ basketball/ volleyball, woodworking, DND, zipline, ceramic, and all Tracks, and more! Campers can choose to do different electives, or the same elective, each day.
Every day, all campers go to the waterfront for swimming, boating, water skiing, and waterslides. If your camper prefers to stay dry, there are arts and crafts, outdoor yoga, lakeside open mics, DND, quiet reading, and other activities to participate in by the lake.
Campers commit to one elective track that they attend once a day. Track time is mixed age and gender, allowing campers to connect with peers they may not connect with during other times at camp. During Track, campers work on a robust project culminating in a final product or showcase. Filmmaking
- Songwriting
- Page 2 Stage
- Newspaper
- Portfolio Writing
- Role-Playing Games
- Visual Arts*
- Sports**
*Visual Arts Track includes Graphic Novels, Illustration, Fashion/Costume Design, and Set Design for Page 2 Stage.
**Sports Track includes team sports, gymnastics, fitness, climbing, and sailing/water skiing.
Click here to see the final projects from WriCampia 2024!
Evening Activities
Evening Activities include: scavenger hunts, campfires, dance parties, Track showcases, and more! Evening Activities usually last at least an hour and give campers the opportunity to connect across workshops, bunks, or divisions.
Late Night
Middle and Upper campers can go back to their bunks after evening activity, or participate in Night Electives including all tracks, game pavilion, and affinity groups.
$4,200 (limited financial aid is available)
Refund Policy
If you withdraw before the Withdrawal Deadline (April 15th, 2025), you will be eligible for a 50% refund. After April 15th, 2025, we will not be able to offer any refunds.
WriCampia FAQs
- What are the dates?
- Monday, August 11th through Friday, August 22nd, 2025.
- *If these dates conflict with your child's commitments to sports, contact us at sleepaway@writopialab.org. Our host camp, Camp Danbee, has strong coaches—including some Division One athletic instructors—who will be available to work with serious athletes during WriCampia.
- Where is WriCampia?
- This year WriCampia will be returning to Camp Danbee in Peru, MA.
- Is financial aid available?
- Yes, we have limited financial aid available.
- How do I apply for financial aid?
- This all happens in CampMinder, where you will apply for camp. To apply, fill out your WriCampia application, indicate that you are applying for financial aid, and submit your complete financials via CampMinder. If you are applying for financial aid, you will not be required to pay a deposit. However, we will only be able to hold your spot for two weeks if you have not submitted your financials. Please do not email financial data to sleepaway@writopialab.org.
- Payment Schedule
- A $900 deposit is due upon enrollment. This deposit will increase incrementally as we get closer to WriCampia. Following enrollment, parents will have the option to pay in full or set up a payment plan in CampMinder. This payment plan will set up equal monthly installments, with the last installment paid the first week of April 2025.

- Will Writopia provide transportation?
- Yes! We will provide buses to and from WriCampia for all campers. Buses will leave from and return to Manhattan; Brooklyn; Hartsdale, NY; and Washington, DC.
- When does enrollment close?
- When camp fills up. We will accept registrations onto a waiting list, but we cannot make any guarantee about a spot opening up. Returning families, please be aware that the early enrollment period is only two weeks long, and after that, we cannot hold a spot for your camper.
- How many writers are attending?
- The exact number of campers varies from year to year. For WriCampia 2025, we anticipate hosting about 225 campers.
- How can I see what my child is working on?
- Your camper will write their stories using Google Documents, so they can save them and share them with you when they come back from camp! We post daily photos to our Facebook page and record videos of performances and showcases to share with families.
- Where are most of the campers from?
- The majority of our campers come from New York City and its suburbs and from the greater Washington, DC area. Other campers come from all over the east coast, and from as far away as Chicago, Los Angeles, the San Francisco Bay Area, and even Europe.
- What is the camper-to-adult ratio?
- Three to one—not including kitchen, grounds, and support staff.
- How many campers will be sleeping in each bunk?
- There will be 8 to 14 campers and two counselors in each bunk.
- Can I send my camper a package?
No. WriCampia is a no-package camp. Letters and cards will be delivered to campers. Other items will be held at the camp office. If your camper forgot something they need, please reach out to the camp directors and we will make arrangements to help you get things to your camper.
- Can my child bring their own food?
- The kitchen staff on camp is very accommodating, always providing vegetarian and gluten-free options. If your child needs (because of allergies or dietary restrictions) to bring their own meals or snacks, please let us know ahead of time. All food must be stored in the kitchen. No food may be kept in the bunks.
- How are the workshops organized? What is the atmosphere of the workshops?
- Morning workshops will have a ratio of eight writers to one instructor. All workshop leaders are published writers or produced playwrights who are experts in helping young writers understand and implement elements of plot and key literary tools. Sessions are peppered with original and fun writing exercises, but focus primarily on writing—and completing—creative pieces.
- Are the campers allowed phones or other electronics?
- Every writer will be given a Writopia laptop for workshop and writing. No personal laptops will be allowed at camp. Personal devices that can play music are allowed but not if they are capable of playing video.

- Will I be able to speak with my child during camp?
- Writers can, and are encouraged to, email home every day. Campers will be calling home approximately halfway through camp. They will call the phone numbers you supply when you register for camp.
- Will there be swimming?
- There is optional swimming every day except the first and last day of camp. In addition to a swimming pool, Camp Danbee also offers swimming, canoeing, kayaking, sailing, water skiing, and climbing activities on the lake. Pool and lake activities are only permitted when lifeguards are on duty.
- Does my child have to bring their own bedding?
- Yes. Campers must bring their own sleeping bags, blankets, sheets, pillows, pillowcases, and towels.
- Have any further questions?
- Watch the video of our 2023 Open House (above) or email us at sleepaway@writopialab.org to learn more.
"I've been with Wricampia since the first year it existed, nearly nine years ago. A little shy kid who was very closed off. I was dropped off at the Nature Lodge ( the location at the time) and spent a week writing. Although it was more than just writing. I spent the week laughing, exploring, and making the best of friends. My favorite memories were made that summer. When My mother came to pick me up I cried the whole way home. The home I just created had come to an end. Since then I've come back every summer. Now I am a proud counselor, mentor, and camp mother to many children who remind me of myself. If you see me in action at camp I am not the same kid from year one! Wricampia is an escape from our realities at home. It is a safe place for all who attend. Not only for the campers but the staff and counselors as well. The 10 years that I've been attending the camp I've grown to be someone that I am proud of. I hope that as a counselor I can provide that safe community feeling for the future campers that attend. Wricampia has become my home that I look forward to returning to EVERY SUMMER....Every year is a gift and I can't wait for more!"
--Cameron Dickerson
After being a camper for 3 years, one of which I was a CIT, it was extremely rewarding to finally be a counselor at WriCampia 2021. I absolutely loved coming to camp every year as a camper to make friends and do something I love. Getting to inspire younger minds and helping them achieve their writing goals was an amazing and valuable experience!
--Jessica Zhao
What's Hot?
School Year Programs
- Enroll now in Spring Trimester workshops.
- Spring Break Workshops
Summer Programs
- Half-Day and Full-Day workshops
- WriCampia: Sleepaway Camp for kids and teens
- Advanced Writing Seminar: Two-Week Pre-College Program in NYC
Upcoming Events
- March 29th, 2025: Teen Open Mic in NYC!
- April 28th, 2025: Writopia's 2025 Gala
Enroll Now!
Weekly Trimester-Long Workshops
Check out the Weekly Trimester-Long Schedule.
Holiday & School Break Workshops
Check out the Half-Day and Full-Day schedules.
Overnight Programs