National Scholastic Medal winners are announced
Congratulations to the H2H Regions national medal recipients!
- Nora Henrie, 12th grade, Gold Medal in Persuasive Writing, Wordplay
- Maria Juran, 10th grade, awarded Gold Medal in Poetry for Collection-001: Negative Space, Mirror; 13; for Stevens, heart hammock wind
- Peter LaBerge, 12th grade, awarded Gold Medal in Poetry for Summer Slices
- Rachel Mendelson, 8th grade, awarded Gold Medal in Poetry for Utterly Edited
- Joanna Moley, 11th grade, awarded Gold Medal in Flash Fiction for Friday
- Johnathan Stimpson, 8th grade, awarded Gold Medal in Persuasive Writing for Gun Control - A Call To Action
- Margaret Groton, 8th grade, awarded Silver Medal in Poetry for Scarf Closet
- Peter LaBerge, 12th grade, awarded Silver Medal in Writing Portfolio for Address to the Anorexic, Weeding, For the Fire, Diorama of Southport Beach, Tired, Breaking Open, Cessation, Desires, Stalled
- Alyssa Mule, 9th grade, awarded Silver Medal in Short Story for The Marigold: In The Style Of Poe
- Alexa Salvato, 12th grade, awarded American Voices Medal in Personal Essay/Memoir for In The Closet
Congratulations to the winners of the 2013 Scholastic Writing Awards for the Hudson-to Housatonic Writing Region!
The Crosswicks Foundation $1,000 Scholarship Recipient...
is Peter LaBerge of Greens Farms Academy in Stamford CT! His senior portfolio was selected by jurors as the most outstanding in the region. Congratulations!
5 American Voices Nominations...
were awarded to the most outstanding Gold Key writing in the region. This award honors what our judges have deemed the strongest pieces in the region, regardless of category or age group. One of these five works will be awarded a National American Voices Meda after it goes through national adjudication.
48 Gold Keys...
were awarded to the most accomplished works in the region. Gold Key writing will be forwarded to the national level of The Scholastic Writing Awards and considered for national recognition.
97 Silver Keys...
were awarded to distinguished works in the region.
145 Honorable Mentions...
were awarded to promising works in the region.
All Recipients...
Joshua Altman | 12 | An Existential Concession And Confession | Persuasive Writing | Honorable Mention | Megan Salomone |
Cassia Bardos | 11 | What Is in the Mirror? | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | Anne Drake |
Cassia Bardos | 11 | "On Red Ode to the City" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Anne Drake |
Chloe Barshay | 7 | "Sunflower" | Poetry | Gold Key | Anne Salzano |
Chloe Barshay | 7 | "Commitment" | Poetry | Gold Key | Anne Salzano |
Chloe Barshay | 7 | "Unquestionable Loyalty?" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Anne Salzano |
Diego Baugh | 8 | "7 Ways Of Looking At Life. Mirrors." | Poetry | Silver Key | Liam O'Rourke |
Liam Bodurtha | 7 | "I Am From..." | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Beth Praver |
Liam Bodurtha | 7 | Chelm Story: the Optical Illusion | Flash Fiction | Silver Key | Beth Praver |
Sarah Bonanno | 11 | "Tracing With Chalk", "An Angels Fall From Grace, Parading Without A Purpose | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Nicole Butterfield |
Caleigh Boyer-holt | 7 | The Lottery | Short Story | Gold Key | Lena Roy |
Caleigh Boyer-holt | 7 | Blank | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Lena Roy |
Caleigh Boyer-holt | 7 | Fly | Short Story | Gold Key | Lena Roy |
Tamsyn Brann | 8 | Pandora's Box | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Silver Key | Lena Roy |
Tamsyn Brann | 8 | Malala Yousafzai: Courage Under The Shadow Of The Taliban | Journalism | Silver Key | Lena Roy |
Tamsyn Brann | 8 | A Worm In The Apple | Journalism | Silver Key | Lena Roy |
Tamsyn Brann | 8 | A Day In The Life | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Silver Key | Lena Roy |
Molly Breitbart | 11 | The Treetop | Dramatic Script | Silver Key | Michael Devito |
Leyla Brittan | 10 | The Red Coat | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Jacqueline Abair |
Paul Bueti | 7 | Gary The Turken | Humor | Silver Key | Lena Roy |
Kendall Burdick | 8 | "A Slip In Time" | Poetry | Silver Key | Kent Motland |
Kendall Burdick | 8 | "Goodbye" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Kent Motland |
Kendall Burdick | 8 | "That Night In May" | Poetry | Gold Key | Kent Motland |
Kendall Burdick | 8 | "Blazing Fire" | Poetry | Silver Key | Kent Motland |
Katherine Burke | 7 | "A Step Back In Time" | Poetry | Silver Key | Marc Maier |
Pamela Buscema | 7 | The Stitch | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention | Lena Roy |
Pamela Buscema | 7 | The Violin | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Lena Roy |
Pamela Buscema | 7 | The Harp | Flash Fiction | Silver Key | Lena Roy |
Zoe Butenhoff | 7 | Inside Of Me | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Marc Maier |
Camille Butterfield | 8 | The Ending of ""The Lady or the Tiger | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Trevor Ogden |
Kate Carlson | 10 | "Lakeshore Wolf", "Little Bird", "Dreamcatcher", "Hands" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Lori Mcgahren-clemens |
Kate Carlson | 10 | "Inner Light", "A Forgotten Mother", "Chaos In Cohesion" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Lori Mcgahren-clemens |
Marie Ceske | 9 | "Friends?", "Trying To Ignore Being Ignored", "Center Bench", " Failure" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Susanne Conklin |
Marie Ceske | 9 | The One Thing That's For Sure | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Susanne Conklin |
James Chang | 7 | "Visions (reverse Poem)", "Life" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Dace Ashcraft, Erika Shallcross |
James Chang | 7 | Origin | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | Erika Shallcross |
Cary Chapman | 11 | Beauty Or Poison? The Truth About Cosmetics | Persuasive Writing | Honorable Mention | Leigh Meyer |
Cary Chapman | 11 | Mother Earth | Flash Fiction | Silver Key | Leigh Meyer |
Lauren Chiriboga | 8 | "My Poems...... My Rules. 1. Tug of War 2. Waiting for Chaos 3. Braid" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Tricia Baldes |
Amanda Chung | 11 | "Weathered Brilliance", "Ghost Ranch", "Hidden Place", "Chasers" | Poetry | Silver Key | Jenny Leffler |
Frances Claiden | 12 | Hey Al | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | William Mottolese |
Sara Conway | 8 | Nothing More | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Alice Benash |
Anne Cooperstone | 12 | "Variations On A Summer Day", "How Hedonism Was Invented", "Kiki Smiths Medical Report", "How Is Love Bounced?", "Barbies Little Sister" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Michael Fulton |
Jackson Corrigan | 8 | Limbo | Short Story | Silver Key | Kent Motland |
Michelle Croen | 8 | Circus | Poetry | Silver Key | Kirstin Reynolds |
Elizabeth Cui | 7 | My Pet Toilet | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | Anita Rivera Chiariello, Lena Roy |
Elizabeth Cui | 7 | The Window | Short Story | Silver Key | Lena Roy, Anita Rivera Chiariello |
Cormac Cummiskey | 12 | Collected Works | Writing Portfolio | Honorable Mention | Jonathan Budd |
Cormac Cummiskey | 12 | No Silver Bullets | Persuasive Writing | Gold Key, American Voices Nominee | Jonathan Budd |
Cormac Cummiskey | 12 | Becoming Malvolio | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Jonathan Budd |
Jessica Daneshvar | 11 | Silver Of The Sea | Flash Fiction | Silver Key | Julia Fernandez |
Grace Dashnaw | 8 | Destined | Short Story | Silver Key | Kirstin Reynolds |
Sahra Denner | 8 | "Ode To The Bird Outside My Window" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Anne Salzano |
Sahra Denner | 8 | "Forgotten" | Poetry | Silver Key | Anne Salzano |
Kendall Downend | 8 | "The Swing" | Poetry | Silver Key | Kent Motland |
Caroline Dunn | 9 | The Funeral, Hurry, Hurry" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Jeff Schwartz |
Caroline Dunn | 9 | "One Two Three Four Five Six; How Many Words Are Lost in the Wind?" | Poetry | Silver Key | Jeff Schwartz |
Caroline Dunn | 9 | The Removals | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention | Jeff Schwartz |
Elizabeth Dunn | 7 | Calls Of Temptation Calls Of Treason | Short Story | Silver Key | Pei-Ling Lue |
Katie Ellison | 12 | Pink Cowboy Boots | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Linda Vasu |
Elizabeth Engel | 11 | What Will Make You Believe Me? | Short Story | Gold Key | Lena Roy |
Elizabeth Engel | 11 | Fiery Nightlife | Short Story | Silver Key | Lena Roy |
Elizabeth Engel | 11 | Simplicity | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Lena Roy |
Thomas Falci | 7 | "Homework" | Poetry | Silver Key | Anne Salzano |
Alexandra Feldman | 7 | Drama Queen | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Lisa Levine |
Charlotte Fleming | 8 | "Song Of Myself" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Kent Motland |
Karina Franke | 9 | Lessons On The Way To School | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key | Jenny Leffler, Roger Garrison, Nicole Butterfield |
Karina Franke | 9 | And The War Drags On", "Color Me Lost But Not Broken", "The Pursuit Of Tao", "Where Pictures Are Made", "The Power Of Perspective" | Poetry | Gold Key | Jenny Leffler Stephen Fitzpatrick Nicole Butterfield |
Karina Franke | 9 | Exploring Sectarianism And The Impact of U.S. Policy Blunders In Iraq | Persuasive Writing | Silver Key | Stephen Fitzpatrick |
Karina Franke | 9 | In My Own Backyard | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | Jenny Leffler, Trevor Ogden, Nicole Butterfield |
Shannon Gaffney | 11 | Melting | Flash Fiction | Silver Key | Patti Muratori |
Ellie Garland | 9 | Un Silence De Plaisir | Flash Fiction | Silver Key | Jeff Schwartz |
Gabrielle Giacomo | 10 | Remember How To Breathe | Short Story | Silver Key | Lena Roy |
Isabella Giammalva | 7 | Christmas With The Ornaments | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Kent Motland |
Owen Gifford-smith | 7 | Traveling By Chair | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention | Lena Roy |
Riley Goldstein | 8 | "She Was" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Anne Salzano |
Riley Goldstein | 8 | "Hopelessly"/td> | Poetry | Silver Key | Anne Salzano |
Riley Goldstein | 8 | "Three Months" | Poetry | Silver Key | Anne Salzano |
Sophie Goodwin | 8 | "Odds And Ends" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Kirstin Reynolds |
Chloe Gordon | 11 | Bang! | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Laurie Alfonso |
Chloe Gordon | 11 | "The One"/td> | Poetry | Silver Key | Laurie Alfonso |
Eden Gordon | 10 | The Hundred-Years Sleep | Short Story | Silver Key | Rebecca Wallace-Segall |
Eden Gordon | 10 | Impossible | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | Rebecca Wallace-Segall |
Eden Gordon | 10 | The Black Cat | Short Story | Silver Key | Rebecca Wallace-Segall |
Eden Gordon | 10 | Silence and Stars | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Rebecca Wallace-Segall |
Eden Gordon | 10 | "Elegy", "Early Autumn", "Cloudburst", "Solstice", "Bone Memory" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Rebecca Wallace-Segall |
Eden Gordon | 10 | "Love Affairs", "The Northern People", "Then We Can Be Together", "Summer", "Free Period" | Poetry | Gold Key | Rebecca Wallace-Segall |
Anjali Goyal | 8 | "Song Of Myself", "Waves", "Depression", "A Feather" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Kent Motland |
Katy Gritz | 11 | Letters From Camp | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Sean Llewellyn |
Margaret Groton | 8 | "Scarf Closet" | Poetry | Gold Key | Tricia Baldes |
Margaret Groton | 8 | Ticket To Ride | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention | Tricia Baldes |
Gabriel Groz | 10 | "Dravidiana", "Islands", "Yurei", "Upbringing" | Poetry | Silver Key | Liam O'Rourke |
Charlotte Grunebaum | 8 | "Walt Whitman immitation", "Tell her it's nice up here" | Poetry | Silver Key | Kent Motland |
Stephanie Guo | 11 | "The Average Grocery Store Experience", "What This Rooms Need Is A Pinch Of Salt", "Nana Gets Sick And Is Sent Out The Door", "Jam" | Poetry | Silver Key | Michael Devito |
Sophia Gutfreund | 8 | "A Traveler's Memory" | Poetry | Silver Key | Kent Motland |
Sunya Hassan | 8 | Planted | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Trevor Ogden |
Kate Hawthorne | 11 | Anger | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Lena Roy |
Kate Hawthorne | 11 | Close Your Eyes | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Lena Roy |
Nora Henrie | 12 | Collected Works | Writing Portfolio | Silver Key | Kaye Cherry |
Nora Henrie | 12 | Keeping Time, "The Arborist", "She Spoke" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Kaye Cherry |
Nora Henrie | 12 | Wordplay | Persuasive Writing | Gold Key | Kaye Cherry |
Nora Henrie | 12 | Insomno-Maniac | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key | Kaye Cherry |
Ciara Henry | 7 | "Water Wars" | Poetry | Gold Key | Marc Maier |
Bettina Hervey | 7 | The Letters | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Lena Roy, Marc Maier |
Ben Hirsch | 7 | "Death Of Order" | Poetry | Silver Key | Kent Motland |
Jack Hjerpe | 8 | Falling | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Trevor Ogden |
Katharina Horn | 10 | A Lost Piece of Sunshine | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Natalie Farina |
Erica Huang | 10 | "Invincible" | Poetry | Silver Key | Juliana Pankow |
Jessie Jameson | 10 | "The Interview" | Poetry | Silver Key | Kristin Wolfe |
Jessie Jameson | 10 | "Hiems Indomitam" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Kristin Wolfe |
Luca Jofre | 7 | "Vineyard" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Aaron Montgomery |
Jared Jones | 8 | "What If"/td> | Poetry | Gold Key | Kent Motland |
Maria Juran | 10 | Collection 1: "Negative Space", "Mirror", "13", "for Stevens", "heart hammock wind" | Poetry | Gold Key | Frank Henson Stephen Flachsbart |
Maria Juran | 10 | Collection 2: "The Bikini", "Knew Him", "Last Fair (Remixed)", "Sobriety", "On Love" | Poetry | Gold Key, American Voices Nominee | Frank Henson James Carroll Stephen Flachsbart |
Maria Juran | 10 | Collection 3: "coda 1: Before", "[ Interior ]", "one Day I Went Outside", "method Means Manner Mode Etc." | Poetry | Gold Key | Frank Henson Stephen Flachsbart |
Evan Kieltyka | 8 | "My Story" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Kent Motland |
Alicia Kiley | 11 | "What is made from our bones?" | Poetry | Silver Key | Jeff Schwartz |
Alicia Kiley | 11 | Prelaya | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Jeff Schwartz |
Natasha Kim | 11 | "Red" | Poetry | Silver Key | Jeff Schwartz |
Natasha Kim | 11 | "Tall Figure" | Poetry | Gold Key | Jeff Schwartz |
Terence Koch | 12 | The Dragon's Scales | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Mark Benedict |
Madeline Kroot | 10 | The Saved | Short Story | Gold Key | Kristen O'rourke |
Kathryn Kugler | 11 | "She Dreamed" | Poetry | Silver Key | Barbara Vogt |
Peter LaBerge | 12 | "Georgia's Eve", "Winter Barn", "Genealogy" | Poetry | Gold Key | Elizabeth Cleary |
Peter LaBerge | 12 | Submerged | Short Story | Silver Key | Lori Mcgahren-clemens |
Peter LaBerge | 12 | Coffee and Claire | Dramatic Script | Honorable Mention | Lori Mcgahren-clemens |
Peter LaBerge | 12 | Collected Works | Writing Portfolio | Gold Key, Crosswicks Foundation Scholarship | Elizabeth Cleary |
Peter LaBerge | 12 | "Poems for Tom Bridegroom" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Elizabeth Cleary |
Peter LaBerge | 12 | Kicking Underwater | Short Story | Silver Key | Elizabeth Cleary |
Peter LaBerge | 12 | Teatime | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Lori Mcgahren-clemens |
Peter LaBerge | 12 | Teachers From America: The ""Hansel and Gretel"" of the Twenty-First Century | Persuasive Writing | Silver Key | Jihad Mirza |
Peter LaBerge | 12 | Carlisle Blue | Flash Fiction | Silver Key | Elizabeth Cleary |
Peter LaBerge | 12 | "Variations on a Pear" | Poetry | Gold Key, American Voices Nominee | Lori Mcgahren-clemens |
Peter LaBerge | 12 | "Summer Slices" | Poetry | Gold Key | Elizabeth Cleary, Lori Mcgahren-clemens |
Samuel Ladow | 11 | Ghost In The Garden | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention | Linda Sherwood |
Samuel Ladow | 11 | Believing In The Goodwill Of Strangers | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | Linda Sherwood |
Kristen Lee | 11 | Dropping The Match | Flash Fiction | Silver Key | Arthur Seefahrt |
Angie Liao | 12 | A Love, Breakup, and Reconciliatory Letter to My Soul Mate, the Art of Ballet | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key, American Voices Nominee | Caroline Dumaine |
Angie Liao | 12 | Alien | Short Story | Silver Key | Caroline Dumaine |
Janey Litvin | 8 | "Langa Township South Africa" | Poetry | Gold Key | Erica Finegan |
Eliza Llewellyn | 11 | "Idyllic Interment" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Stephen Rexford |
Eliza Llewellyn | 11 | A Different Path: Students Attending Night School | Journalism | Honorable Mention | Stephen Rexford |
Eliza Llewellyn | 11 | Students Reflect On Affirmative Action's Influence | Journalism | Silver Key | Julia Mcnamee |
Eliza Llewellyn | 11 | Legacies: Investigating a College Application Controversy | Journalism | Gold Key | Julia Mcnamee |
Eliza Llewellyn | 11 | Discovering Your Inner Athlete: A Guide | Humor | Silver Key | Stephen Rexford |
Ashley Lutjen-Sandonato | 12 | Contamination | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | Lena Roy |
Hagerah Malik | 11 | The Hand Loom | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention | Leigh Meyer |
Kaley Mamo | 7 | The Rollercoaster | Dramatic Script | Silver Key | Lena Roy |
Adam Mann | 8 | "Falling" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Kent Motland |
Kelsey Manning | 12 | "A Community Larger Than Walls" | Poetry | Silver Key | Richard Robinson |
Ryan Manocherian | 7 | "Ode to Cape Cod Harbor" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Anne Salzano |
Hanna Mark | 7 | "I Am From..."", "you Don't Know", "Remember" | Poetry | Silver Key | Nicole Butterfield |
Kioni Marshall | 7 | "All Our Colors" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Nicole Butterfield |
Ellie Martino | 12 | Praises To The Phases | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Vicki Weiss |
Ellie Martino | 12 | To Be Taken Seriously | Humor | Honorable Mention | Vicki Weiss |
Noah Mazer | 10 | Walls | Dramatic Script | Honorable Mention | Daniel Ajl Kitrosser |
Noah Mazer | 10 | "Disappearing Smile" | Short Story | Gold Key | Daniel Ajl Kitrosser |
Sophia May | 10 | Suburbia | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Ross Abrams |
Sophia May | 10 | Like The Wind | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Ross Abrams |
Sophia May | 10 | The Bookstore | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Ross Abrams |
Sophia May | 10 | "Remember Again" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Ross Abrams |
Julia Mcgonagle | 9 | "Ancestral Photograph" | Poetry | Silver Key | Gail Greiner |
Julia Mcgonagle | 9 | "A Civil Rights Leader's Biggest Fight" | Poetry | Silver Key | Gail Greiner |
Samantha Mcnichols | 12 | "Letter From The Editor", "Swing State", "Friday's Kind of Night", "Pretty Back", "Manhattan [on the] Rocks" | Poetry | Silver Key | Christine Wheeler Adam Fell |
Rachel Mendelson | 8 | "Utterly Edited" | Poetry | Gold Key | Tricia Baldes |
Rachel Mendelson | 8 | "Ray Of Hope" | Poetry | Silver Key | Tricia Baldes |
Sara Mendoza | 8 | "Stormy" | Poetry | Silver Key | Anne Salzano |
Sara Mendoza | 8 | "Help" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Anne Salzano |
Anne Merrill | 11 | The End (a Play) | Flash Fiction | Silver Key | Ellen Johnsmeyer |
Anne Merrill | 11 | Raising His Voice: Echoes Of My Grandfather | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Ellen Johnsmeyer |
Anne Merrill | 11 | Enthusiasm Complacency And Yemens spring | Journalism | Honorable Mention | Ellen Johnsmeyer |
Anne Merrill | 11 | "Bulletproof Weeks", "Far from oblivious she looks toward the sky because she is aware", "The Joy of Small Days", "A day in the life of someone who would rather be somewhere else" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Ellen Johnsmeyer |
Anne Merrill | 11 | "Height Of A Man", "She Does Not", "He Wishes His Friend Could Find a Better Escape" | Poetry | Silver Key | Ellen Johnsmeyer |
Anne Merrill | 11 | Whats In Play | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Ellen Johnsmeyer |
Anne Merrill | 11 | When You Know Where You Are Going | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | Ellen Johnsmeyer |
Anne Merrill | 11 | "The Bell That Took The Place Of A Family", "Dedication" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Ellen Johnsmeyer |
Anne Merrill | 11 | "For Henry Howard Holmes: A Villains Villanelle", "To the Shadows", "Christmas (anticipated in two voices)", "Family Forlorn", "Sisterly Sonnet" | Poetry | Silver Key | Ellen Johnsmeyer |
Madison Miraglia | 7 | "Car Wash" | Poetry | Gold Key | Marc Maier |
henry mockridge | 8 | "HE IS NEAR" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Kent Motland |
Eliza Moley | 11 | "Teacups", "(S)wings" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Elizabeth Cleary |
Joanna Moley | 11 | Friday | Flash Fiction | Gold Key | Elizabeth Cleary |
Joanna Moley | 11 | "Right of Way" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Elizabeth Cleary |
Joanna Moley | 11 | "Futures" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Elizabeth Cleary |
Alyssa Mule | 9 | "The Blades Of Grass: A Sestina" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Erin Riley |
Alyssa Mule | 9 | "Cigarette Butts; Flashing Before My Eyes" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Jeff Schwartz |
Alyssa Mule | 9 | The Organizer | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Jeff Schwartz |
Alyssa Mule | 9 | The Eyes Of Egypt | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Jeff Schwartz |
Alyssa Mule | 9 | The Marigold: In The Style Of Poe | Short Story | Gold Key | Jeff Schwartz |
Alyssa Mule | 9 | "Silence; The Past: A Villanelle" | Poetry | Silver Key | Jeff Schwartz |
Mary Kate Murphy | 8 | "Rise And Fall" | Poetry | Gold Key | Tricia Baldes |
Mary Kate Murphy | 8 | "Melody" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Tricia Baldes |
Francesca Narea | 9 | String Theory | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Jeff Schwartz |
AmberRose Nelson | 10 | The Librarian | Flash Fiction | Silver Key | Jennifer Chen |
AmberRose Nelson | 10 | The Old Simmons' House | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention | Jennifer Chen |
Jenny Neuman | 10 | "The Corner Of Newbury Street", "The Lush", "Green Land", "The Soldier" | Poetry | Silver Key | Aaron Shansky |
Simone Nix | 7 | Point Of No Return | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key | Marc Maier |
Maeve O'brien | 8 | "The Stranger" | Poetry | Silver Key | Anne Salzano |
Katie O'Neill | 12 | "New Mexico" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Jeff Schwartz |
Katie O'Neill | 12 | Collected Works | Writing Portfolio | Silver Key | Jeff Schwartz |
Katie O'Neill | 12 | "If I Ever Tell You To Set Me Free", "Chiaroscuro", "Natural Light" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Jeff Schwartz |
Katie O'Neill | 12 | "Complications" | Poetry | Silver Key | Jeff Schwartz |
Kara O'rourke | 7 | A Warrior Can Fend For Herself | Short Story | Gold Key | Christine Pakkala |
Isabelle Ostertag | 11 | Freedom Seekers | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Kristin Wolfe |
Madeleine Ostertag | 8 | "Seeker Of Solitude", "Longing for Childhood", "Sorrow" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Kristin Wolfe |
Isabella Palacpac | 10 | Vagabonds See The Mountain Chains | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | Virgilio Palacpac |
Hannah Paridis | 7 | "Wonder", "Secrecy" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Nicole Butterfield |
Hanna Pennington | 12 | Collected Works | Writing Portfolio | Gold Key | Josh Blum, Brian Mooney |
Adam Petno | 10 | Without A Trace | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Elizabeth Cleary |
Ethan Petno | 10 | Ngorongoro | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Elizabeth Cleary |
Isabelle Pierce | 7 | Pound, Pound, Pound | Short Story | Silver Key | Lena Roy |
Madeline Pillari | 12 | The Pilgrimage | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Linda Vasu |
Madeline Pillari | 12 | Debate Tiffs And Fiscal Cliffs | Journalism | Honorable Mention | Linda Vasu |
Andrew Pittman | 8 | "Fear" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Anne Salzano |
Jessica Pressman | 11 | Maddie And Mason | Dramatic Script | Honorable Mention | Meghan Scheck |
Maya Rajan | 7 | "Growing Out & Perception." | Poetry | Gold Key | Marc Maier |
Johanna Ramm | 11 | Mama | Flash Fiction | Gold Key | Peter Scotch |
Johanna Ramm | 11 | Words In The Stall | Flash Fiction | Silver Key | Peter Scotch |
Johanna Ramm | 11 | "Lost In The Waves" | Poetry | Gold Key | Peter Scotch |
Beatrix Roberts | 7 | Oliver Ellys Did Not Exist | Flash Fiction | Silver Key | Lena Roy |
Marc Rod | 9 | Across My Desk | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Nicole Butterfield, Trevor Ogden |
Alexa Salvato | 12 | In The Closet | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key, American Voices Nominee | Kylie McCarron Trivelli |
Alexa Salvato | 12 | Bartlett Pears | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Silver Key | Kylie McCarron Trivelli |
Alexa Salvato | 12 | Collected Works | Writing Portfolio | Honorable Mention | Kylie McCarron Trivelli, Jennifer Molloy |
Manveer Sandhu | 7 | "Where I Am From" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Anne Salzano |
Manveer Sandhu | 7 | "The Ocean" | Poetry | Silver Key | Anne Salzano |
Mariana Saric | 12 | Collected Works | Writing Portfolio | Honorable Mention | Shannon Morgenstern |
Mariana Saric | 12 | Masquerade Maintenance | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention | Shannon Morgenstern |
Mariana Saric | 12 | The Hunters | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Silver Key | Shannon Morgenstern |
Chloe Sarrazin | 8 | Forbidden | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention | Mary Jane Strasser |
Rachel Saunders | 9 | Memories | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Lena Roy |
Isabella Schiavone | 12 | Collected Works | Writing Portfolio | Honorable Mention | Jeannine Mctigue |
Brian Schmitt | 9 | Vultures and the Dogs | Flash Fiction | Gold Key | Nicole Butterfield |
Brian Schmitt | 9 | Guilty Winds | Flash Fiction | Silver Key | Nicole Butterfield |
Brian Schmitt | 9 | The Pianist And The Priest | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Nicole Butterfield |
Brian Schmitt | 9 | "To Give Up and Fly" | Poetry | Silver Key | Nicole Butterfield |
Brian Schmitt | 9 | "Legacy", "The Tricycle" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Nicole Butterfield |
Brian Schmitt | 9 | "Eulogy Of The Fly", "An Elementary Stabbing", "When Longing" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Nicole Butterfield |
Sebastien Seymour | 7 | Sooner Or Later | Humor | Honorable Mention | Kent Motland |
Elizabeth Shelbred | 7 | "Dragon" | Poetry | Silver Key | Kent Motland |
Elizabeth Shelbred | 7 | "Ember" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Kent Motland |
Emily Shen | 8 | The Misadventure of Procax | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Robert Morrissey |
Kevin Shen | 8 | Fred The Fridge | Humor | Honorable Mention | Sloane Miller |
Ian Sherman | 11 | The Emmett Lochlan Acclaimed Violinist Joke | Short Story | Gold Key | Rebecca Wallace-Segall |
Ian Sherman | 11 | Lleva Me a Casa (Bring Me Home) | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Rebecca Wallace-Segall |
Ian Sherman | 11 | The Anxiety Of Decisions: Changing Schools | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Rebecca Wallace-Segall |
Ian Sherman | 11 | Annabelle | Short Story | Gold Key | Rebecca Wallace-Segall |
Ian Sherman | 11 | The Bartender | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Rebecca Wallace-Segall |
Ian Sherman | 11 | Tonka | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Rebecca Wallace-Segall |
Ian Sherman | 11 | The Voice Inside Me | Dramatic Script | Silver Key | Rebecca Wallace-Segall |
Maia Silber | 12 | The Puritan Influence | Persuasive Writing | Honorable Mention | Richard Zangrilli |
Maia Silber | 12 | "Under The Sun I Lift My Arms", "After You I Reach My Pale Bare Arms" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Melissa Barthelmes |
Maia Silber | 12 | A Geek's Guide To Love | Humor | Honorable Mention | Juliana Maye |
Maia Silber | 12 | District Faces Substitute Shortage | Journalism | Honorable Mention | Juliana Maye |
Abigail Skolnik | 12 | The Dress | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Josh Blum |
Daniel Solomon | 8 | "Choices Structure" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Kent Motland |
Johnathan Stimpson | 8 | The Crash | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Katherine Boulier |
Johnathan Stimpson | 8 | Gun Control - A Call To Action | Persuasive Writing | Gold Key | Katherine Boulier |
Sarah Stofko | 12 | Frankenstein Versus Mother Nature | Persuasive Writing | Honorable Mention | Lee Keylock |
Sarah Stofko | 12 | Interior Design | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | Lee Keylock, Michelle Toby |
Sarah Stofko | 12 | Leah And Shay | Short Story | Silver Key | Lee Keylock |
Sarah Stofko | 12 | Chris McCandless And Transcendentalism | Persuasive Writing | Honorable Mention | Lee Keylock, Michelle Toby |
Simon Stracher | 11 | Are We Safe At Staples? Students, Faculty Weigh In | Journalism | Silver Key | Julia Mcnamee |
Simon Stracher | 11 | Vortex | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Julia Mcnamee |
Simon Stracher | 11 | Twenty-first Century Segregation | Persuasive Writing | Silver Key | Julia Mcnamee |
Simon Stracher | 11 | Rabbits | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention | Julia Mcnamee |
Alexis Stroemer | 11 | "Napalm", "Cartography", "Bones" | Poetry | Gold Key | Jeff Schwartz |
Anna Strosser | 8 | "The Midnight Masquerade" | Poetry | Gold Key | Katherine Cannaverde |
Verity Sturm | 9 | Hero | Flash Fiction | Gold Key | Lisa Bonavita |
Nadine Sun | 7 | Esperanza | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Lena Roy |
Neil Suri | 9 | Gender Roles: Cultural Disputes Within Islam | Persuasive Writing | Honorable Mention | Pei-ling Lue |
Neil Suri | 9 | "Swingsets And Stencils: The Seasons Of Childhood" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Pei-ling Lue |
Max Tannenbaum | 7 | "Strong Like A Lion", "Dead Heart of Divorce", "Where I'm From" | Poetry | Silver Key | Nicole Butterfield |
Cecilia Thieberger | 8 | "Love", "My Teddy Bear", "Broken" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Kent Motland |
Barron Thomas | 8 | African Americans Today 1940's-Today | Journalism | Honorable Mention | Anne Salzano |
Nina Wagner | 11 | Symbiosis | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Francis Hughes |
Nina Wagner | 11 | Penultimate | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Francis Hughes |
Nina Wagner | 11 | The Age Of Outsourcing | Journalism | Honorable Mention | Christine Tierney |
Nina Wagner | 11 | The Stranger | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Francis Hughes |
Nina Wagner | 11 | Life Outside The Cage | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key | Francis Hughes |
JiCi Wang | 10 | A Revelation | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Christen Klewicki |
Olivia Weinberg | 7 | Star, "Jigsaw" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Nicole Butterfield |
Hope Weisman | 8 | "Where We're From" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Trevor Ogden |
Lindsay West | 9 | "Perfect" | Poetry | Silver Key | Clenn Reed |
Lindsay West | 9 | "No Signs Of Clearing", "Ode To Mourning Glories" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Clenn Reed |
Rachel Wolfe | 11 | Swedish Fish | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Stephen Mounkhall, Seth Evans |
Rachel Wolfe | 11 | Pieces | Short Story | Silver Key | Stephen Mounkhall |
Rachel Wolfe | 11 | Fenced In | Persuasive Writing | Honorable Mention | Stephen Mounkhall, Seth Evans |
Roya Wolfe | 8 | Lost And Found | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Trevor Ogden |
Emily Yankowitz | 12 | My America | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | Stephen Mounkhall, Wesley Phillipson |
Emily Yankowitz | 12 | "Below The Pulsating Ocean Of Grass" | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Stephen Mounkhall, Wesley Phillipson |
Benjamin Zabin | 8 | The Face | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Julie Kast |
Callie Zola | 7 | Sea Legs | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Gold Key | Lena Roy |
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