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Scholastic Awards
Submissions Prep

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Writopia Lab offers submissions prep workshops leading up to the regional deadlines for the Scholastic Writing Awards. Teens who are eligible for the Awards (ages 13+) will work in small groups with our instructors on developing, deepening, and submitting their work to the Scholastic Writing Awards. Writers at any stage of the process are welcome!

Over the last decade, Writopia Lab's students have won more Scholastic Writing Awards recognition on both the regional and national levels than any other group of writers in the entire country.

Whether or not a piece is recognized, the Awards deadlines and guidelines inspire our entire community to write at our highest level and complete pieces. As a resource for parents, this article by Writopia Lab’s Executive Director offers advice on how to talk to teen writers about their submissions process.

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Weekly Trimester-Long Workshops

Check out the Weekly Trimester-Long Schedule.

Holiday & School Break Workshops

Check out the Half-Day and Full-Day schedules.

Overnight Programs