Washington DC Regional Scholastic Writing Awards 2013 Winners!
Congratulations to these teens, whose creative work was recognized by the 2013 Scholastic Writing Awards!
Congratulations to the following writers, whose work has been recognized in the 2013 DC Regional Scholastic Writing Awards! A panel of Washington writers, teachers, and literary professionals selected these works—from nearly 1,000 works submitted this year—as the most exceptional in the region.
The $1,000 Busboys and Poets Scholarship Recipient...
is Luisa Banchoff, of Washington Lee High School! Her senior portfolio was selected by Bomani Armah, the Director of Poetry Events at Busboys and Poets, as the most outstanding portfolio in the region.
5 American Voices Nominations...
were awarded to the most outstanding Gold Key writing of Greater Washington. This award honors the "Best in Show" regardless of category or age group. This year these top works were chosen by our Head Jurors: novelist and critic Alan Cheuse, novelist Amy Stolls, and poet Kyle Dargan.
55 Exemplary Pieces...
will be published in the 2nd annual anthology of Teen Voices of the DC Scholastic Writing Awards. These works were selected by jurors as exemplary in voice, style, subject matter, and power, and they represent the diverse and talented community of writers who contribute to The Awards. These selected pieces are denoted as “DC Teen Voices” in the table below.
56 Gold Keys...
were awarded to the most accomplished works in the region. Gold Key writing will also be forwarded to the national level of The Scholastic Writing Awards and considered for national recognition.
148 Silver Keys...
were awarded to distinguished works in the region.
200 Honorable Mentions...
were awarded to promising works in the region.
All Recipients...
State | School | Last Name | First Name | Grade | Title(s) | Category | Award(s) |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Abrishami | Tara | 10 | Checkmate | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
MD | Montgomery Blair High School | Adler Asch | Peter | 12 | “The Infinities Of Love”, “Motivation”, “Reimagined Chances”, “Intellectual Curiosity” | Poetry | Gold Key |
MD | Holton-Arms School | Alamdeen | Yasmin | 8 | “The Abyss And The Plum In Your Back” | Poetry | Silver Key |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Alston | Asia | 11 | “The Hair Piece” | Poetry | Gold Key |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Alston | Asia | 11 | “Sixteen Ain't Grown” | Poetry | Honorable Mention, DC Teen Voices |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Alston | Asia | 11 | “All She Want Is For You...” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Alston | Asia | 11 | “Super No One “ | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | An | YouNa | 11 | “Meridian Fall: Anne Boleyn” | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | Fairfax High School | Andalib | Laureen | 12 | Reverie | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
VA | Fairfax High School | Andalib | Laureen | 12 | Memoir | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Fairfax High School | Andalib | Laureen | 12 | Memoir | Portfolio | Honorable Mention |
DC | Deal Middle School | Anderson | Tala | 7 | Sweet Thinking | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
DC | School Without Walls Senior High School | Aneke | Chioma | 10 | “Depression Of Suppression” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | West Springfield High School | Ang | Jei-Si | 11 | Bonding With The Couch | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
DC | Free Minds Book Club and Writing Workshop | Anonymous | Writer | 12 | “Great Or Not” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Free Minds Book Club and Writing Workshop | Anonymous | Writer | 11 | “In The Land Of Opportunity” | Poetry | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
DC | Maret School | Arnholz | Jack | 10 | “The Tale Of Jesse Washington” | Poetry | Silver Key |
DC | Maret School | Arnholz | Jesse | 12 | 6412 Barnaby | Journalism | Silver Key |
DC | School Without Walls Senior High School | Ashford | Chloe | 11 | Good Parenting | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
MD | Lakelands Park Middle School | Asofsky | Elena | 8 | “The Staircase” | Poetry | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
MD | Winston Churchill High School | Aubinoe | Darien | 12 | “Belief In The Truth” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | H-B Woodlawn | Auerhan | Tori | 11 | “Waxing”, “Waning”, “Final Words”, “Vultures”, “Prisms”, “Muscle Memory” | Poetry | Silver Key |
MD | Damascus High School | Austin | Ian | 11 | Book of Fate | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Silver Key |
MD | Damascus High School | Austin | Ian | 11 | Dried Blood | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
MD | Friends Community School | Babin | Heather | 8 | Even When No One’s Sitting There | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key |
VA | Washington Lee High School | Banchoff | Luisa | 12 | Life of the Party | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
VA | Washington Lee High School | Banchoff | Luisa | 12 | “American Zodiac”, “Offline” | Poetry | Gold Key |
VA | Washington Lee High School | Banchoff | Luisa | 12 | “Brasília”, “Conversation Across the Smoke” | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | Washington Lee High School | Banchoff | Luisa | 12 | American Zodiac | Portfolio | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Washington Lee High School | Banchoff | Luisa | 12 | Dear MaryDian | Short Story | Gold Key |
DC | Deal Middle School | Barr | Olivia | 7 | Trying To Break The Box | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
VA | Robert E Lee High School | Batra | Simran | 10 | “Contagion” | Poetry | Honorable Mention, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Robert E Lee High School | Batra | Simran | 10 | Hound Dog | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
VA | Hayfield Secondary School | Baz | Mari | 12 | Lost Moments | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Hayfield Secondary School | Baz | Mari | 12 | “Moments Insanity Collection “ | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | George C. Marshall High School | Behdad | Negeen | 12 | “Piling Up”, “Before The Day Began”, “From Peaches to Poison”, “The Depths of Motherhood”, “Things I Cannot Help” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | George C. Marshall High School | Behdad | Negeen | 12 | “So Absurd”, “The Half-smiler”, “Good Enough”, “A Distinct Nostalgia”, ““ | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | George C. Marshall High School | Behdad | Negeen | 12 | “Times Could Be Sweeter” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
MD | Poolesville High School | Belenky | Julia | 12 | What You Were In The Dark | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
MD | Poolesville High School | Belenky | Julia | 12 | “Allectio” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Berry | Andie | 12 | “peach” | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Berry | Andie | 12 | “A Dirge without Poetry” | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Berry | Andie | 12 | “Cincinnati”, “""Alzheimer's” | Poetry | Silver Key |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Berry | Andie | 12 | “July”, “""When Waves Whisper” | Poetry | Silver Key |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Berry | Andie | 12 | “July"", ""When Waves Whisper” | Portfolio | Honorable Mention |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Berry | Rasheeda | 12 | “Vicious Cylce” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
MD | Winston Churchill High School | Birnbaum | Emily | 11 | The Devil | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
MD | Winston Churchill High School | Birnbaum | Emily | 11 | How To Fall in Love | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
MD | Winston Churchill High School | Birnbaum | Emily | 11 | Learning To Run | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key |
MD | Winston Churchill High School | Birnbaum | Emily | 11 | “Michael And Andrea as Children” | Poetry | Gold Key |
MD | Winston Churchill High School | Birnbaum | Emily | 11 | “A Room In My Mind” | Poetry | Silver Key |
MD | Winston Churchill High School | Birnbaum | Emily | 11 | “Noticing” | Poetry | Silver Key |
MD | Winston Churchill High School | Birnbaum | Emily | 11 | Spilled Milk | Short Story | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | The Potomac School | Bowen | Kelsey | 8 | Breaking Away | Flash Fiction | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
DC | Georgetown Day School | Boyer | Isabel | 8 | Catching Santa | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
DC | Georgetown Day School | Boyer | Isabel | 8 | Unwound | Short Story | Silver Key |
VA | The Potomac School | Brennan | Madeleine | 8 | Highschool Assassin | Dramatic Script | Silver Key |
DC | Friendship PCS - Collegiate Academy | Brown | Morgan | 12 | “Inner City Suburbia”, “Untitled”, “the Blessing” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Bui | Minh | 12 | A Full House | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Bui | Vivian | 12 | Healing With Music | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key |
DC | Deal Middle School | Canty | Leo | 7 | Down Under | Short Story | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | George Mason High School | Castillo | Grace | 11 | Sunday | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
VA | George Mason High School | Castillo | Grace | 11 | Fooling Smokey Bear | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
VA | George Mason High School | Castillo | Grace | 11 | “I Breathe Winter” | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | George Mason High School | Castillo | Grace | 11 | “Awake” | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Chandrashekar | Pooja | 10 | The Pink Sari | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key |
MD | Montgomery Blair High School | Chavez | Michelle | 12 | A Journalist's Journey | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
MD | Montgomery Blair High School | Cheng | Brittany | 12 | Mitt Romney's ""a New Course For The Middle East"" Lacks Substance | Portfolio | Honorable Mention |
MD | Montgomery Blair High School | Cheng | Brittany | 12 | Silence | Short Story | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Cheung | Grace | 9 | The Magic Of A Moment | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Cheung | Grace | 9 | The Dangers of Standardized Testing | Persuasive Writing | Honorable Mention |
MD | Col. Zadok Magruder High School | Chill | Stephanie | 11 | A Cureless Child | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
MD | Col. Zadok Magruder High School | Chill | Stephanie | 11 | Why Do I Persevere? | Humor | Honorable Mention |
MD | Col. Zadok Magruder High School | Chill | Stephanie | 11 | That Ambitious King Louis Xvi | Humor | Honorable Mention |
MD | Col. Zadok Magruder High School | Chill | Stephanie | 11 | Spear's Wound | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
MD | Connelly School of the Holy Child | Christman | Allie | 8 | “Dare”, “I Am Fire”, “Art” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Chantilly High School | Chung | Helena | 12 | “Commit”, “Sand Children”, “The Certainty Of A Personal Hell”, “Sehnsucht”, “Unrestricted Submarine Warfare”, “Innocent Until Proven” | Poetry | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Chantilly High School | Chung | Helena | 12 | “From First To Ninth”, “Celebrations Of Another Day On Earth”, “The Certainty Of A Personal Hell”, “The Girl With The February Face”, “London 2012” | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | Chantilly High School | Chung | Helena | 12 | “Glass Children”, “The List”, “Words Like These”, “Cake”, “Hero” | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | Chantilly High School | Chung | Helena | 12 | Commit, Sand Children, The Certainty Of A Personal Hell, Sehnsucht, Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, Innocent Until Proven | Portfolio | Silver Key |
DC | Deal Middle School | Claman | Sophia | 8 | Sale At The Circus | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
DC | Deal Middle School | Claman | Sophia | 8 | “Do You Remember?”, “Cracked”, “Barricade”, “Fighter” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Deal Middle School | Claman | Sophia | 8 | Crystals By The Millions | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Silver Key |
VA | Yorktown High School | Coble | Katie | 9 | “Sometimes” | Poetry | Honorable Mention, DC Teen Voices |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Cohen | Ellie | 11 | And Nobody Was The Wiser | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Cohen | Ellie | 11 | I Think, Therefore....i Am? | Journalism | Honorable Mention |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Cohen | Ellie | 11 | Placebo | Short Story | Silver Key |
MD | St. Bartholomews School | Collins | Kathryn | 7 | Repeaters | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention |
DC | Field School | connaughton | grace | 12 | Nana | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
DC | Sidwell Friends School | Cooke | Sarah | 12 | Lungs | Dramatic Script | Gold Key |
DC | Sidwell Friends School | Cooke | Sarah | 12 | “White-Out” | Poetry | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
DC | Sidwell Friends School | Cooke | Sarah | 12 | “The Fallacies Of Old Men”, “In Which I Meet Lucifer”, “He Tells Me Some Things” | Poetry | Silver Key |
DC | Sidwell Friends School | Cooke | Sarah | 12 | Ophelia | Portfolio | Gold Key |
DC | Sidwell Friends School | Cooke | Sarah | 12 | An Elegy For Greta Cohen | Short Story | Gold Key |
VA | The Potomac School | Cooper | Mina | 8 | I'll Be Right There | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
VA | The Potomac School | Cooper | Mina | 8 | Beautiful Day | Short Story | Gold Key |
VA | The Potomac School | Cooper | Mina | 8 | The Color Of Blood | Short Story | Silver Key |
VA | The Potomac School | Cooper | Mina | 8 | Abandoned Storms | Short Story | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Hayfield Secondary School | Coyle | Meghan | 12 | College Admissions As a Fairytale | Humor | Honorable Mention |
MD | Quince Orchard High School | Cunniff | Sydney | 11 | “I Should Have Held Your Hand In That Riptide”, “Oh Sylvia”, “Circadian Warfare”, “Skuffuskald” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Robinson Secondary | Davis | Maya | 12 | Me, My Mac, And I | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key |
DC | National Cathedral School | Dayan | Rebecca | 11 | Wrestling With G-d | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
DC | National Cathedral School | Dayan | Rebecca | 11 | “A Safe Place” | Poetry | Silver Key |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Dease | Bridget | 12 | Moment Of Distinction | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Dease | Bridget | 12 | This Girl's Life | Portfolio | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Delobel | Lucie | 11 | Screams | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Delrosario | Moises | 10 | “Mi Madre” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Lake Braddock Secondary | Dennis | Araba | 11 | Piano Piece | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key |
DC | Deal Middle School | Diggs-Galligan | Sophia | 7 | “Hiding Places” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Deal Middle School | Diggs-Galligan | Sophia | 7 | “Child Dying” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Deal Middle School | Diggs-Galligan | Sophia | 7 | “Reflection” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Deal Middle School | Diggs-Galligan | Sophia | 7 | “Horsie” | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | Oakton High School | Dolinh | Aline | 9 | “Immigrant”, “American Dream”, “Daughter One”, “Radio Silence” | Poetry | Gold Key, American Voices, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Yorktown High School | Domson | Joanna | 10 | Hearts, Minds And License Plates | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key |
MD | Damascus High School | Donnelly | Victoria | 12 | The Lost Year | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Doran | Joseph | 10 | Red, White, Or Blue | Persuasive Writing | Silver Key |
DC | National Cathedral School | Durling | Ellie | 12 | Chatterbox | Portfolio | Honorable Mention |
VA | Robinson Secondary | Early | Casey | 11 | “Jux”, “An Observation In Math Class”, “Dating Chemists”, “Sincerely”, “Mars”, “As Long As There Is Poetry” | Poetry | Silver Key |
MD | Montgomery Blair High School | Edouard | Sherlande | 12 | Emery | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
DC | Washington International School - Tregaron Campus | Edwards | Belen | 9 | Toulouse | Short Story | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | George Mason High School | Eldred | Leah | 9 | The Moment | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Emanuel | Galen | 12 | Kingfisher | Portfolio | Silver Key |
MD | Rocky Hill Middle School | Evenson | Matthew | 7 | The Cardinal And The Blue Jay | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
DC | Edmund Burke School | Ewing | Caroline | 12 | She Lit The Sea | Short Story | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | H-B Woodlawn | Falkenheim | Sophie | 7 | My Life Under The Vegan Dictatorship | Humor | Silver Key |
VA | Yorktown High School | Fields | Jason | 11 | “Little People” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Yorktown High School | Fields | Jason | 11 | Washed Away | Short Story | Silver Key |
MD | Melvin J Berman Hebrew Academy | Fishman | Dena | 11 | “Adapt: Popcorn Style” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | National Cathedral School | Forman | Ellie | 12 | “Glass Paned Pupils”, “Le Peuple”, “This Too Big Space”, “With Unsteady Hands”, “And Also With You” | Poetry | Gold Key |
DC | National Cathedral School | Forman | Ellie | 12 | “what The Living Do”, “Maturely Mock”, “My Soul to Keep- Pantoum to my Brother” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Oakcrest School | Fowler | Isabella | 8 | The Lighthouse | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
MD | French International School | Fromont | Amandine | 12 | “The Shores of the Mind”, “For the Queen's Sake”, “To Love a Wolf”, “Roads”, “Remember my Taste” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | George C. Marshall High School | Frye | Jessica | 12 | Green Acres | Portfolio | Honorable Mention |
DC | Maret School | Fulcher | Adam | 9 | They Who Destroyed God | Short Story | Silver Key |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Gaetan | Victoria | 10 | “Little Demons Feast” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Washington Lee High School | Gajadhar | Kateri | 10 | “Fat” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Washington Lee High School | Gajadhar | Kateri | 10 | “The End Of Innocence” | Poetry | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Yorktown High School | Gaylord | Amanda | 11 | Rotational Reactions | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Gondi | Suhas | 12 | A Curious Mixture | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
VA | H-B Woodlawn | Goodwin | Noah | 11 | “100 Years War “ | Poetry | Gold Key |
MD | Thomas S. Wootton High School | Gunaratne | Sheoli | 11 | “The Voyager” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Haefner | Alexina | 10 | Pride | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Haft | Lara | 12 | “Little Girls Room”, “An Affirmation”, “Sangrias” | Poetry | Gold Key, American Voices, DC Teen Voices |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Haft | Lara | 12 | Sangrias, Little Girls Room | Portfolio | Gold Key |
MD | Montgomery Blair High School | Hammond | Leah | 12 | La Ferme Du Bonheur | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
DC | Free Minds Book Club and Writing Workshop | Harris | Sharod | 11 | “A Rising King” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Sidwell Friends School | Harris | Sydney | 11 | Katherine Anne | Short Story | Silver Key |
DC | Free Minds Book Club and Writing Workshop | Harrison | D'angelo | 12 | “Dragging My Name Through The Mud” | Poetry | Silver Key |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Hartke-Weber | Madison | 12 | Black Friday | Dramatic Script | Silver Key |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Hartke-Weber | Madison | 12 | Black Friday | Portfolio | Silver Key |
VA | St. Stephen's & St. Agnes School | Hassell | Haley | 9 | Unpredictable | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
VA | St. Stephen's & St. Agnes School | Hassell | Haley | 9 | Gay: Adj. | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
VA | St. Stephen's & St. Agnes School | Hassell | Haley | 9 | “June”, “July”, “Perfection Of Sin”, “An Effortless Loss” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Hastings | Emma | 11 | Tissue By Tissue, Cell By Cell | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Hastings | Emma | 11 | The Sweet Scent Of Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid | Short Story | Gold Key |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Hastings | Emma | 11 | The Schizoid Man | Short Story | Silver Key |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Hastings | Emma | 11 | Your Son Is Dead | Short Story | Silver Key |
VA | H-B Woodlawn | Hayes | Amanda | 10 | “every poem is deficient.”, “lost in transition”, “spectral lines” | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | South County High | Hayes | Emily | 11 | Boy V. Girl | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Heilbrun | Caroline | 10 | Living Without - The Story of Dealing with Celiac Disease | Journalism | Silver Key |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Herriott | Quadaja | 11 | “Keloid Treatment “ | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Herriott | Quadaja | 11 | “Nine Poem” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Herriott | Quadaja | 11 | “That Lady” | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | George Mason High School | Hinsz | Siana | 8 | His Dream | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
VA | George Mason High School | Hinsz | Siana | 8 | Look Away | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
VA | George Mason High School | Hinsz | Siana | 8 | Twi-bite | Humor | Silver Key |
VA | George Mason High School | Hinsz | Siana | 8 | “Being” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | George Mason High School | Hinsz | Siana | 8 | Traitor | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention |
VA | Oakton High School | Hoang | Elysee | 12 | Invisible | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
DC | Gonzaga College High School | Hohman | Andrew | 11 | Incoming Call | Journalism | Honorable Mention |
VA | Washington Lee High School | Holtzapple | Katarina | 10 | Restrictions | Flash Fiction | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
MD | Poolesville High School | Horrigan | Annie | 12 | “Untitled” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
MD | Stone Ridge School of the Sacred | Howell | Megan | 12 | Aunt Henrietta | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
MD | Stone Ridge School of the Sacred | Howell | Megan | 12 | Birdsong | Short Story | Silver Key |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Hughes | Christopher | 12 | Room To Breathe | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
MD | Homeschool | Hurr | Tessa | 11 | Liminality: Caught Between The Two Worlds Of Society And Wilderness In Twain & Robinson | Persuasive Writing | Honorable Mention |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Hwang | Aaron | 11 | The Life And Death Of Eliza Grey | Dramatic Script | Silver Key |
DC | Woodrow Wilson Senior High School | Jacobovitz | Gavrielle | 9 | Curie Coleman's 16th Experiment On The Psychology Of The Human Mind, Behavior And Beyond | Dramatic Script | Honorable Mention |
DC | Woodrow Wilson Senior High School | Jacobovitz | Gavrielle | 9 | The Tree | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention |
DC | Woodrow Wilson Senior High School | Jacobovitz | Gavrielle | 9 | One | Short Story | Silver Key |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Jang | Eun Young | 10 | “The Impressionist” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Langley High School | Ji | Jessica | 11 | Incendiary | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
VA | Langley High School | Ji | Jessica | 11 | Live And Learn | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
VA | Langley High School | Ji | Jessica | 11 | On Impact | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
VA | Langley High School | Ji | Jessica | 11 | Black Market Hearts | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
VA | Oakton High School | Johnson | Hayley | 11 | “The Prayer of Jean Hélion” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Yorktown High School | Jones | Justin | 11 | “Transcendence” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Yorktown High School | Jones | Justin | 11 | “Lupus” | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | Oakton High School | Jordan | Anna | 11 | “The Traveler “ | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Jung | Saehee | 11 | A Troublemaker's Hero | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key |
DC | Maret School | Kanefield | Eliana | 12 | “Superwoman” | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | Thoreau Middle School | Katz | Lyana | 7 | Call That Star My Own | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
DC | Free Minds Book Club and Writing Workshop | Kettles | Malik | 11 | “Looking Out My Cell Window” | Poetry | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Stuart High School | Khalaji | Sydney | 10 | Surviving The Memories | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Khatry | Sarah | 12 | Our Evolution | Portfolio | Honorable Mention |
VA | Fairfax High School | Kihiu | Josephine | 11 | As Sweet As This Sandwich | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
VA | Fairfax High School | Kihiu | Josephine | 11 | Ice Cream And A Sunrise | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
VA | Kilmer Middle School | Kim | Audra | 8 | “(1) Bee Prisoners”, “(2) The Cherry Tree”, “(3) Super Pea!”, “(4) Fishie”, “(5) The Voting Poem” | Poetry | Gold Key |
DC | Sidwell Friends School | Kirsch | Isabel | 7 | Family Bonding | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Ko | Syeun | 11 | A Last Letter | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
MD | Quince Orchard High School | Ko | Yumi | 11 | Destiny | Short Story | Silver Key |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Kodama | Nathan | 12 | Waiting By The Window | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key |
VA | West Springfield High School | Koses | Ben | 12 | Consequences | Dramatic Script | Honorable Mention |
VA | West Springfield High School | Koses | Ben | 12 | The Window | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
VA | West Springfield High School | Koses | Ben | 12 | Consequences | Portfolio | Honorable Mention |
VA | West Springfield High School | Koses | Ben | 12 | The Science Of Love | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Silver Key |
VA | West Springfield High School | Koses | Ben | 12 | Of Fire And Fences | Short Story | Honorable Mention, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Kuang | Raynor | 12 | Roman Youth, Learn The Noble Arts | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Kuang | Raynor | 12 | “The Myths: ""Antaeus”, “""Danae in the Prison”, “""The Sphinx”, “or On Looking Into the Museum Photograph”“ | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Kuang | Raynor | 12 | “Breaths: ""Consumption Function”, “""dive”, “""The Moon Is Out Again”, “""Starman”, “""Still Life” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Kuang | Raynor | 12 | Roman Youth, Learn The Noble Arts | Portfolio | Honorable Mention |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Kules | Genevieve | 11 | Passing Treasures | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Kules | Genevieve | 11 | “Friendly Spirits” | Poetry | Silver Key |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Kules | Genevieve | 11 | Dooda Alah (No Friend) | Short Story | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
DC | Maret School | Kumar | Kiran | 11 | A Letter To A Champion | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
DC | Maret School | Kumar | Kiran | 11 | Bathtub Dreams: Beautiful Spies | Short Story | Silver Key |
DC | Sidwell Friends School | Laguarda | Sofia | 9 | Romeo And Juliet | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
DC | Sidwell Friends School | Laguarda | Sofia | 9 | Banana Man | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
DC | Sidwell Friends School | Laguarda | Sofia | 9 | Three Ways That Music Killed Her | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
DC | Woodrow Wilson Senior High School | Lainoff | Lillie | 12 | Santa Fe | Flash Fiction | Gold Key |
DC | Woodrow Wilson Senior High School | Lainoff | Lillie | 12 | Finding Shapes In The Sky | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
DC | Woodrow Wilson Senior High School | Lainoff | Lillie | 12 | The Elevator | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key, American Voices, DC Teen Voices |
DC | Woodrow Wilson Senior High School | Lainoff | Lillie | 12 | Fighting Back | Portfolio | Gold Key |
VA | Madison High School | Langley | Ramsey | 11 | Two Shots | Short Story | Silver Key |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Lanman | David | 10 | There Once Was A Man | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Washington Lee High School | Larroca | Isabel | 11 | Rushing Into Things, An Analysis Of The Criticism Of Rush Limbaugh | Persuasive Writing | Honorable Mention |
VA | Washington Lee High School | Larroca | Isabel | 11 | Final Episode, Final Straw | Persuasive Writing | Honorable Mention |
VA | Washington Lee High School | Larroca | Isabel | 11 | At Least You Have Your Health ... Right? | Persuasive Writing | Honorable Mention |
VA | Washington Lee High School | Larroca | Isabel | 11 | “Never Sleeping” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Georgetown Day School | Lasater-Guttmann | Elizabeth | 12 | Safety | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
DC | Georgetown Day School | Lasater-Guttmann | Hope | 7 | Goodman | Short Story | Gold Key |
MD | Quince Orchard High School | Leavy | Jennifer | 12 | October's Farewell | Portfolio | Honorable Mention |
MD | Winston Churchill High School | Lee | Jessica | 12 | Gods Gathering Dust, Shattered Hearts, Pomegranate Seeds, Siege Of Fire | Portfolio | Honorable Mention |
MD | Quince Orchard High School | Lemieux | Haley | 11 | Wake | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
MD | Quince Orchard High School | Lemieux | Haley | 11 | “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes”, “Faun”, “This Tornado Loves You” | Poetry | Silver Key |
MD | Quince Orchard High School | Lemieux | Haley | 11 | The Lunar Colony | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention |
DC | Deal Middle School | Lewis | Claire | 7 | The Mysterious Baron Association | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Li | Yiyi ""Jessica"" | 11 | Between The Fountain And Trees | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Li | Yiyi ""Jessica"" | 11 | Ode To A Slumbergale | Humor | Honorable Mention |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Li | Yiyi ""Jessica"" | 11 | “The Veteran on March to Parking Lot”, “The Talk Show Host”, “The Age Of Innocence”, “Virgin Defiled”, “Farewell To Columbia Shuttle” | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Liang | Andrew | 10 | The Beast | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
MD | Montgomery Blair High School | Lipten | Sabine | 12 | Untitiled | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Liu | William | 10 | Survival | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Gunston Middle School | Lopez | Rafael | 8 | The Umbrella Parade | Short Story | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
MD | The Heights School | Loria | Michael | 12 | A Word Will Do | Short Story | Silver Key |
MD | Thomas S. Wootton High School | Lowy | Alessandra | 9 | Perfect | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
MD | Thomas S. Wootton High School | Lowy | Alessandra | 9 | White On White | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
MD | Thomas S. Wootton High School | Lowy | Alessandra | 9 | Sensational Cessation | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
MD | Thomas S. Wootton High School | Lowy | Alessandra | 9 | Swim | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
MD | Thomas S. Wootton High School | Lowy | Alessandra | 9 | A Little Perspective | Persuasive Writing | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
MD | Thomas S. Wootton High School | Lowy | Alessandra | 9 | “Scelus Leapordus” | Poetry | Silver Key |
MD | Thomas S. Wootton High School | Lu | Alice-Yanhong | 12 | The Genetic Counselor | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
DC | St. Anselm's Abbey School | Luque | Daniel | 11 | “Courage” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Deal Middle School | Lyons | Anasuya | 7 | A Castle In The Air | Short Story | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Mahoney | Peter | 10 | Take The Politics Out Of Climate Change | Persuasive Writing | Silver Key |
MD | The Bullis School | Mannuel | Stacey | 10 | Silence | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
VA | Sandburg Middle School | McAllister | Erin | 7 | Maze Of Books | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Silver Key |
DC | Field School | McClellan | Alexandra | 9 | Me, Myself, And Sylvia | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
VA | McLean High School | McCune | Elizabeth | 11 | Blade | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
VA | McLean High School | McCune | Elizabeth | 11 | “The Rose Hill Sky”, “Infallible Disasters”, “Lessons From A Cactus” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | McLean High School | McCune | Elizabeth | 11 | “Nightlife Scars”, “Little Mermaid: Variation Il”, “Fingerprints On Water” | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | McLean High School | McCune | Elizabeth | 11 | A Meeting In The Sky | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
MD | Westland Middle School | Mckee | Marcus | 7 | Bob McJoe | Short Story | Honorable Mention, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Mckinney | Daniel | 10 | The Master Of His Fate | Short Story | Silver Key |
DC | Maret School | McLish | Jennifer | 9 | The Universe In A Clementine | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
DC | Maret School | McLish | Jennifer | 9 | A Murder of Crows | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
DC | Maret School | McLish | Jennifer | 9 | Hebrew School | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | George C. Marshall High School | Merideth | Molly | 12 | A Beautifully Interesting Title (will Edit Later?) | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Merriman-Goldring | Rachel | 12 | The Voices We Must Hear | Persuasive Writing | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Merriman-Goldring | Rebecca | 10 | \dirt\ | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Meyers | Isabel | 10 | Wolf Child | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention |
VA | H-B Woodlawn | Michos | Kendall | 10 | There's an Alligator Under the Bed | Short Story | Silver Key |
MD | Homeschool | Miller | Jessica | 9 | Did That Just Happen? | Humor | Honorable Mention |
MD | Quince Orchard High School | Milwit | Lily | 11 | White Dwarf | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
MD | Charles Herbert Flowers High School | Montgomery | Josalyn | 12 | The Dam, Retrospect, Born Of Two, Rooftops | Portfolio | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Moore | Gavin | 10 | Appol and the iStick | Humor | Silver Key |
DC | Georgetown Day School | Morsink | Kalila | 10 | “I Should Like To Walk Through Life”, “Comet Hour” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Georgetown Day School | Morsink | Kalila | 10 | Dapperdaft And Needleshine | Short Story | Silver Key |
MD | Sherwood High School | Murphy | Katie | 11 | Barn In A Field | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
MD | Sherwood High School | Murphy | Katie | 11 | Beautiful Smiles | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Muthakana | Hariank | 10 | The Struggle For Education Reform | Persuasive Writing | Silver Key |
VA | Yorktown High School | Napper | Corinne | 11 | “Tom Robinson” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Twain Middle School | NewRingeisen | Erin | 7 | “Pain” | Poetry | Gold Key |
VA | Twain Middle School | NewRingeisen | Erin | 7 | “Sunrise” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Nguyen | Mimi | 10 | Duty Of The Firtsborn | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Noursi | David | 10 | A Seven Pointed Economy | Persuasive Writing | Honorable Mention |
MD | Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School | O'Dowd | Lily | 9 | The Calico | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Silver Key |
DC | Edmund Burke School | Okun | Julia | 11 | Chapstick | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
DC | Edmund Burke School | Okun | Julia | 11 | Apartment 308 | Short Story | Silver Key |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Omeish | Anwar | 11 | I Found Him In The Ballot Box | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key, American Voices, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Omeish | Anwar | 11 | “Mihi: To My Body”, “To My Mind”, “To My Soul” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Omeish | Anwar | 11 | “Evanescence: Thursday Afternoon”, “Or”, “A Five-day Death”, “Shoelace” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Omeish | Anwar | 11 | “Corporations Are People Too”, “My Friend” | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Omeish | Anwar | 11 | “A Song Of Stardust” | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Omeish | Anwar | 11 | “Soldier” | Poetry | Silver Key |
MD | Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School | Orbach | Milena | 9 | “Ghosts Of The Living”, “Connections”, “Love For Cynics” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
MD | Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School | Orbach | Milena | 9 | Sky | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Silver Key |
VA | George C. Marshall High School | Orobaton | Ivie | 10 | “The Voyage” | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | George C. Marshall High School | Orobaton | Ivie | 10 | The Iron Fist | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
DC | Georgetown Day School | Page | Gillian | 9 | “Ocean Nights” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Georgetown Day School | Page | Gillian | 9 | Seashells | Short Story | Gold Key |
DC | Georgetown Day School | Page | Gillian | 9 | Photographs | Short Story | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
DC | Woodrow Wilson Senior High School | Page | Rachel | 9 | Four Ways She May Have Turned To Stone | Flash Fiction | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
DC | Woodrow Wilson Senior High School | Page | Rachel | 9 | Maps | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
DC | Woodrow Wilson Senior High School | Page | Rachel | 9 | Fresh Air | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
DC | Woodrow Wilson Senior High School | Page | Rachel | 9 | A Wilson Wedding Story | Journalism | Silver Key |
VA | Yorktown High School | Pages | Madeline | 12 | Little Mermaid | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
VA | Yorktown High School | Pages | Madeline | 12 | Little Mermaid | Portfolio | Silver Key |
VA | H-B Woodlawn | Paris | Cassie | 12 | Club Heaven | Portfolio | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | James Madison High School | Park | Howoong | 11 | Let it Blossom | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
VA | James Madison High School | Park | Jeunghyun | 12 | What Liitle He Did Was Not In Vain | Journalism | Gold Key |
VA | George Mason High School | Parnell | Anna | 8 | The Mess Of The Universe | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
MD | Albert Einstein High School | Pascual | Francesca | 12 | Far Too Personal | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Patrong | Khat | 11 | re: history of love | Flash Fiction | Gold Key, American Voices, DC Teen Voices |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Patrong | Khat | 11 | Christmas | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
MD | Paint Branch High School | Paulsen | Kiera | 12 | Sometimes I Wake Up Tired | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key |
MD | Paint Branch High School | Paulsen | Kiera | 12 | Sometimes I Wake Up Tired | Portfolio | Honorable Mention |
MD | Paint Branch High School | Paulsen | Kiera | 12 | What The Wind Took | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
DC | National Cathedral School | Perlmutter | Alexa | 8 | The Way Christmas Used To Be | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
DC | National Cathedral School | Perlmutter | Alexa | 8 | “Dreams” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | National Cathedral School | Perlmutter | Alexa | 8 | “Mother in Common” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Congressional Schools of Virginia | Phaltankar | Julia | 8 | Mightier Than the Sword | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
VA | Congressional Schools of Virginia | Phaltankar | Julia | 8 | The End Of The Rope | Short Story | Silver Key |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Piller | Melanie | 10 | “The Boy Who Walked With The Stars” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Maret School | Pomper | Anna | 11 | The Last Stop | Short Story | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Robinson Secondary | Posadas | Marianthy | 12 | Little Thoughts | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
VA | Robinson Secondary | Posadas | Marianthy | 12 | My World | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
VA | Homeschool | Price | Rachel | 8 | Daisies | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
MD | Stone Ridge School of the Sacred | Primosch | Anna | 11 | The Cloakroom | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Puranen | Emma | 11 | Our Own Earth | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention |
MD | Thomas S. Wootton High School | Pyo | Juliana | 11 | Starting Is Half The Task | Journalism | Silver Key |
VA | Jefferson Middle School | Randolph | Sierra | 8 | “Starting Over” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Reinsel | Madeline | 11 | How to Write an Award-Winning Piece: Five Methods for Achieving Fame | Humor | Honorable Mention |
MD | Holton-Arms School | Robinson | Adia | 11 | Sisters. | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
DC | Free Minds Book Club and Writing Workshop | Robinson | Alonzo | 12 | “Life Story” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Woodrow Wilson Senior High School | Rosenthal | Annie | 10 | Fourteen And Pregnant? | Journalism | Silver Key |
DC | Woodrow Wilson Senior High School | Rosenthal | Annie | 10 | “On Your Ninetieth Birthday” | Poetry | Silver Key |
DC | Woodrow Wilson Senior High School | Rosenthal | Annie | 10 | The Most Beautiful Girls In The World | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
DC | Sidwell Friends School | Sanchez | Dario | 12 | “A Couple Of Phantoms (Reflection”, “The Figure)” | Poetry | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
DC | Sidwell Friends School | Sarraille | Ben | 11 | “Atlas”, “The Blacksmith”, “5 Kilometers”, “Parade”, “The Last Tree” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Edmund Burke School | Schifferes | Juliana | 9 | The Death Of Ganja-Scythia | Short Story | Silver Key |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Schneider | Emily | 11 | Carpe Diem | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
DC | Georgetown Day School | Schulman | Kyra | 11 | The Honorable Soldier | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
VA | Oakton High School | Schwarz | Marriya | 9 | Tattered Soles | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
VA | Yorktown High School | Schweikert | Ned | 11 | Up on the Rooftop | Humor | Honorable Mention |
VA | Yorktown High School | Schweikert | Ned | 11 | Dichaeologia | Humor | Silver Key |
DC | Woodrow Wilson Senior High School | Shapiro | Eva | 9 | On The Other Hand, Lonely Is An Overused Word | Short Story | Gold Key |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Sharaf | Mona | 10 | “Loss” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Sharaf | Mona | 10 | “Sharaf” | Poetry | Honorable Mention, DC Teen Voices |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Simon | Will | 11 | “Refrain Du Gondolier” | Poetry | Silver Key |
MD | Winston Churchill High School | Singh | Chaitanya | 10 | Whispers Of The Past | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention, DC Teen Voices |
MD | Holton-Arms School | Sion | Shea | 8 | Puppet | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
MD | Holton-Arms School | Sion | Shea | 8 | Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse Known as Middle School | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Smith | Barrett | 11 | Magician Of Change | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
MD | Winston Churchill High School | Smith | Greer | 11 | Montgomery County Rapper Rises To Fame | Journalism | Honorable Mention |
MD | Westland Middle School | Smith | Molly | 8 | The Summer Of Spirin | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
VA | Rocky Run Middle School | Song | Paulina | 7 | A Thousand Tears | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
VA | Rocky Run Middle School | Song | Paulina | 7 | No Regrets | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
VA | Westfield High School | Sosa | Carolina | 10 | The Housekeeper's Daughter | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Yorktown High School | Stavrou | Olivia | 11 | Symbiosis | Dramatic Script | Gold Key |
DC | Washington International School - Tregaron Campus | Sullivan | Noor | 11 | The Gravity In Rhythm | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention |
VA | McLean High School | Tamarina | Polina | 12 | A Self Portrait | Portfolio | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Stuart High School | Tesema | Hilina | 12 | Ethical Dillema | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key |
DC | Duke Ellington School of the Arts | Thomas | Ajani | 10 | Rameses Ii | Dramatic Script | Silver Key |
VA | Centreville High School | Tropea | Elisabeth | 12 | “Honest” | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | Centreville High School | Tropea | Elisabeth | 12 | “Loud”, “Sample”, “Stitch”, “Raw Feet”, “Olivia” | Poetry | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Oakton High School | Tubbs | Heidi | 11 | Saving Lives by Default: Presumed Consent for Organ Donation | Persuasive Writing | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Veroneau | Samuel | 10 | Winning the Battle Against MRSA | Journalism | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Wang | Zoe | 10 | In Pursuit of Justice | Short Story | Silver Key |
VA | Bishop Denis J. O Connell | Watson | Thomas | 11 | Sacrifice | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention |
MD | Stone Ridge School of the Sacred | Wellisz | Olenka | 8 | A Brief History Of Rhodes | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
MD | Stone Ridge School of the Sacred | Wellisz | Olenka | 8 | The True Origin Of The Cheddar Goldfish Snack | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
MD | Stone Ridge School of the Sacred | Wellisz | Olenka | 8 | Xefagenks | Short Story | Silver Key |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Werner | Lexie | 12 | A Patralini Affair | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
MD | Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School | Wildavsky | Aaron | 12 | The Elephant In The Room | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key |
VA | Lake Braddock Secondary | Williams | Divya | 12 | State Of Being | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
DC | Luke C. Moore Academy Senior High School | wilson | khadijah | 12 | Detaching from stigmas | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
MD | Little Flower School | Winkler | Julia | 7 | Sandy | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention |
MD | Little Flower School | Winkler | Julia | 7 | “Artist's Haiku” | Poetry | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
MD | Little Flower School | Winkler | Julia | 7 | Daydreams | Short Story | Silver Key |
DC | Georgetown Day School | Wirtz | Megan | 10 | The Bitter Truth | Persuasive Writing | Gold Key |
MD | Walt Whitman High School | Wolfe | Emma | 9 | “Almost” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Trinity Christian School | Won | Alexander | 9 | “Untitled” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Sidwell Friends School | Wong | Jade | 12 | “How Bookshelves Were Invented”, “Footnotes to Summertime”, “Voyages” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Sidwell Friends School | Wong | Jade | 12 | How Bookshelves Were Invented; Jakarta, Indonesia; Passivity of a Bottom Dweller; To the Knight; Imprints of Nostalgia | Portfolio | Honorable Mention |
MD | Homeschool | Wright | Kamaria | 12 | “We Stand Together “ | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
VA | Thomas Jefferson HS of Science and Technology | Wu | Jessica | 10 | Forgotten Rainbows | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Xu | Suzanne | 11 | On The Virtues Of Inanimate Objects | Humor | Silver Key |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Xu | Suzanne | 11 | A Sister's Connection | Short Story | Honorable Mention |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Yan | Megan | 12 | “learning curve i”, “learning curve ii” | Poetry | Silver Key |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Yan | Megan | 12 | “Philosophy Of Grief” | Poetry | Silver Key |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Yan | Megan | 12 | learning curve i, learning curve ii | Portfolio | Silver Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Oakton High School | Yaremchuk | Emily | 12 | “Rebirth Revenge” | Poetry | Gold Key, DC Teen Voices |
VA | Oakton High School | Yaremchuk | Emily | 12 | “In The Arms Of Ruin” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
MD | Thomas S. Wootton High School | Yeatts-Lonske | Ariana | 12 | “Six Ways To Weep”, “Optimism”, “Reincarnation Request”, “The School That Secrets Built”, “Love” | Poetry | Silver Key |
VA | Centreville High School | Yoon | Esther | 12 | The Silent Affair | Portfolio | Honorable Mention |
VA | Yorktown High School | Youcha | Emma | 11 | Crumbling | Short Story | Silver Key |
VA | Islamic Saudi Academy | Zaidan | Heba | 10 | Masks | Dramatic Script | Honorable Mention |
MD | Richard Montgomery High School | Zeng | Katherine | 11 | Petrichor | Flash Fiction | Silver Key |
VA | Rocky Run Middle School | Zhao | Christine | 7 | “Angels Die” | Poetry | Silver Key |
MD | Briggs Chaney Middle School | Zhu | Kyle | 7 | Starting Schools Later To Let Teens Hit The Sack and Get More Sleeping Time | Journalism | Silver Key |
MD | Briggs Chaney Middle School | Zhu | Kyle | 7 | Running On | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key |
MD | Briggs Chaney Middle School | Zhu | Kyle | 7 | “I Love you Grandaddy” | Poetry | Honorable Mention |
DC | Deal Middle School | Zizka | Eliza | 7 | A Story Not Meant To Be Read Out Loud | Short Story | Gold Key |
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