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DC Metro Writing Region

Every day at Writopia Lab, we witness the transformative power of being heard. Because of this experience, we are dedicated to giving teen writers the opportunity to be read—and celebrated—as part of the broader literary community. To help make this possible, Writopia Lab is the official affiliate partner for the DC Metro Writing Region of the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards.

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards accept submissions each year beginning in September, and the deadline for submissions is early December. The DC Metro Region’s full guidelines for submission, deadlines, and coverage area are available online.

Regional recognition includes Gold Key awards, Silver Key awards, and Honorable Mentions. Gold Keys are automatically forwarded for consideration at the national level of the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Five submissions from the region are nominated each year for the American Voices medal, and one of those works is awarded a national American Voices medal.

Annual Results

Regional Ceremony

To recognize their outstanding work, Gold Key, Silver Key, and Honorable Mention recipients are invited each year—along with their guests, teachers, and our esteemed jurors—to the Awards Ceremony for the DC Metro Writing Region of the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards!

Contact Info

Phone: (202) 629-9510

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Weekly Trimester-Long Workshops

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Holiday & School Break Workshops

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Overnight Programs