National Scholastic Medal winners are announced
Congratulations to the H2H Region's 2014 national medal recipients!
- Annabel Barry, 11th grade, awarded Silver Medal for Caliban Transformed: Linguistic Patterns And Identity In Shakespeare And Brathwaite (Persuasive Writing)
- Isabelle Breier, awarded American National Tree Award (Short Story), co-sponsored by the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia and the M.R. Robinson Foundation
- Molly Breitbart, 12th grade, awarded Silver Medal for The Streets Of Jerusalem (Personal Essay/Memoir)
- Halley Dewey, 12th grade, awarded Gold Medal for Just A Glimpse (Flash Fiction)
- Elizabeth Engel, 12th grade, awarded Gold Medal for Sunshine (Flash Fiction)
- Elizabeth Engel, 12th grade, awarded Silver Medal for Tomorrowland Today (Short Story)
- Karina Franke, 10th grade, awarded Gold Medal and American Voices Medal for An Anniversary Message (Persuasive Writing)
- Jonathan Gelernter, 12th grade, awarded Gold Medal for The Complete and Utter Works of Jonathan Gelernter (Senior Writing Portfolio)
- Ashley Gong, 10th grade, awarded Silver Medal for Seeds (Flash Fiction)
- Ashley Gong, 10th grade, awarded Gold Medal for Preamble (Poetry)
- Ashley Gong, 10th grade, named as one of five National Student Poets for 2014
- Kira Hunter, 12th grade, awarded Silver Medal for Killer Clowns, Blind Tourists At Musee Rodin, Aya Glady (Poetry)
- Charlotte Iwasaki, 12th grade, awarded Silver Medal for Angel (Poetry)
- Warren Kennedy-Nolle, 7th grade, awarded Gold Medal and Best in Grade Award for The Two O's of Eyes, 155 (Poetry)
- Alicia Kiley, 12th grade, awarded Silver Medal for August Has Changed Me (Poetry)
- Mairead Kilgallon, 8th grade, awarded Gold Medal for The Ghost Singer (Science Fiction/Fantasy)
- Maya Lew, 10th grade, awarded Silver Medal for Infinities (Flash Fiction)
- Elodie Nix, 7th grade, awarded Gedenk Award for Tolerance for Dust (Short Story)
- Allison Primak, 11th grade, awarded Silver Medal for Teeth (Poetry)
- Julia Smith, 11th grade, awarded Silver Medal for Chromatography (Poetry)
- Lauren Telesz, 10th grade, awarded Silver Medal for He is an Angel brought to light on earth (Poetry)
- Katharine Wu, 10th grade, awarded a Gold Medal for Tiger Maracas (Flash Fiction)
- Callie Zola, 8th grade, awarded a Gold Medal for Apples (and Oranges) (Science Fiction/Fantasy)
Congratulations to recipients of the 2014 Scholastic Writing Awards for the Hudson-to Housatonic Writing Region!
The Crosswicks Foundation $1,000 Scholarship Recipient...
is Elizabeth Engel of Mamaroneck High School in Mamaroneck NY! Elizabeth's senior portfolio was selected by jurors as the most outstanding in the region. Congratulations!
5 American Voices Nominations...
were awarded to the most outstanding Gold Key writing in the region. This award honors what our judges have deemed the strongest pieces in the region, regardless of category or age group. One of these five works will be awarded a National American Voices Medal after it goes through national adjudication.
115 Gold Keys...
were awarded to the most accomplished works in the region. Gold Key writing will be forwarded to the national level of The Scholastic Writing Awards and considered for national recognition.
178 Silver Keys......
were awarded to distinguished works in the region.
277 Honorable Mentions...
were awarded to promising works in the region.
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Andie Abrams | 10 | Uninterested | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Ross Abrams | |||||||
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Karen Ahn | 9 | The Volunteer | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention | Parker Reed | |||||||
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M. Grace Alford-Hamburg | 12 | A Reflection On Lemons | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key | David Loeb | |||||||
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M. Grace Alford-Hamburg | 12 | Dirty Fun | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | David Loeb | |||||||
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Isra Ameen | 11 | A Mother Of My Own | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | Saba Ghazi Ameen | |||||||
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Isra Ameen | 11 | 8 Minutes | Short Story | Silver Key | Saba Ghazi Ameen | |||||||
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nicole andreson | 11 | The Only Problem Mathew Had With His Father The Physician Was His Mother The Psychiatrist. , The Procrastinators Calendar, Amber Lives Between the Pages of her Science Textbooks, Delaying Today | Poetry | Gold Key | Bruce Cohen Caroline Rosenstone | |||||||
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nicole andreson | 11 | It's Probably For Her Own Good | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Caroline Rosenstone | |||||||
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Nicole Anschutz | 11 | Cat Orphanage Room 241 | Flash Fiction | Silver Key | Sari Rosenblatt Caroline Rosenstone | |||||||
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Trinity Aptekarev | 9 | Falling Water | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Lori Esmond | |||||||
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Angela Arzu | 11 | Now With Clear Eyes, Peace Please, But a Tease, Chew and Swallow, They Say I Mumble | Poetry | Gold Key | Trace Schillinger | |||||||
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Jennifer Ashikari | 8 | I'm A Storm | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Carolyn Shilinski | |||||||
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Sangjun Bae | 12 | Future Journalist | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | han jong lee | |||||||
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Malahni Banta | 11 | Pretty Pink Pills | Poetry | Gold Key | Lna Roy | |||||||
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Malahni Banta | 11 | I Too, Am On The Subway | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Lna Roy | |||||||
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Malahni Banta | 11 | Sad Poems | Poetry | Silver Key | Lna Roy | |||||||
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Malahni Banta | 11 | I've Never Owned A Watch... | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Lna Roy Anastasia Guadron | |||||||
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Malahni Banta | 11 | The Mistresses | Poetry | Silver Key | Lna Roy Anastasia Guadron | |||||||
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Annabel Barry | 11 | Caliban Transformed: Linguistic Patterns And Identity In Shakespeare And Brathwaite | Persuasive Writing | Gold Key | Alison Barry | |||||||
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Annabel Barry | 11 | Aristotle, McTaggart, And Time's Disputed Existence | Persuasive Writing | Honorable Mention | Alison Barry | |||||||
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Annabel Barry | 11 | The Philosophy Of Periodicity | Persuasive Writing | Honorable Mention | Alison Barry | |||||||
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Annabel Barry | 11 | Spiral Nebulae, Galactic Scope, and Our Role in the Cosmos: the Shapley-Curtis Debate and its Philosophical Connotations | Persuasive Writing | Honorable Mention | Alison Barry | |||||||
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Chloe Barshay | 8 | Away From Here | Poetry | Gold Key | Brooks Eleck | |||||||
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Chloe Barshay | 8 | Distorted Innocence | Poetry | Gold Key | Brooks Eleck | |||||||
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Chloe Barshay | 8 | Him | Poetry | Gold Key | Brooks Eleck | |||||||
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Clayton Bass | 8 | Thaw Away the Frost, Approaching, Where, Looming Nightmares, Apsinthion | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Virginia Black Jennifer Chen | |||||||
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Rachel Bass | 10 | Foundation | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Ross Abrams | |||||||
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Caroline Battiato | 8 | Faint Lines | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Tricia Baldes | |||||||
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Olivia Belliveau | 10 | Ghost; B Major; Partially Purified | Poetry | Silver Key | Heather Martire | |||||||
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Kerry Benjamin | 11 | I Didn't Mean For This to Happen | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Andrew Corsilia Frank Ceruzzi Theresa Benaquist | |||||||
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Katharine Berman | 10 | Always | Poetry | Silver Key | Ross Abrams | |||||||
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Claudia Bernstein | 9 | The Epitome Of Beauty | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Gail Greiner | |||||||
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Claudia Bernstein | 9 | Tendrils | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Gail Greiner | |||||||
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Sarah-Judith Bernstein | 11 | The Story Long Told | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Pamela Kroll | |||||||
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Sarah-Judith Bernstein | 11 | Rocky Mountain Song Cycle | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Pamela Kroll | |||||||
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Rachel Billings | 8 | A Painter, My Henry, I Remember | Poetry | Silver Key | Mary Schenck | |||||||
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Alexa Binkowitz | 12 | The Cracks In The Concrete | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Sarah McCarthy Linda McDonough | |||||||
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Justin Blatt | 10 | Dear Charlotte | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Sari Rosenblatt Caroline Rosenstone | |||||||
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shana Blatt | 11 | Tinnitus | Poetry | Silver Key | Bruce Cohen Caroline Rosenstone | |||||||
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shana Blatt | 11 | Drift | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | Caroline Rosenstone | |||||||
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Nathan Blum | 10 | The Captain | Poetry | Gold Key | Ross Abrams | |||||||
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Nathan Blum | 10 | The Poison Apple | Humor | Honorable Mention | Ross Abrams | |||||||
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Liam Bodurtha | 8 | Why Theater? | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key | John Sakson Jacqueline Herman Lna Roy | |||||||
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Liam Bodurtha | 8 | Surprise Party: A Helm Story | Humor | Honorable Mention | John Sakson Jacqueline Herman Lna Roy | |||||||
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Liam Bodurtha | 8 | College Admissions Spy | Humor | Silver Key | John Sakson Jacqueline Herman Lna Roy | |||||||
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Maggie Boudreau | 10 | A Setting Sea | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Ginny Balser | |||||||
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Caleigh Boyer-holt | 8 | Hallelujah | Short Story | Gold Key | Lna Roy Anastasia Guadron | |||||||
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Caleigh Boyer-holt | 8 | Bitten | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Lna Roy Anastasia Guadron | |||||||
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Caleigh Boyer-holt | 8 | Yours Truly | Flash Fiction | Silver Key | Lna Roy Anastasia Guadron | |||||||
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Caleigh Boyer-holt | 8 | Hands | Short Story | Silver Key | Lna Roy Anastasia Guadron | |||||||
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Tamsyn Brann | 9 | Bandwidth or Bandwagon: Are Textbooks Obsolete? | Journalism | Gold Key | Jaime Marcus | |||||||
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Tamsyn Brann | 9 | The Heft Of The Tome | Poetry | Silver Key | Jaime Marcus | |||||||
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Tamsyn Brann | 9 | Water, Water | Short Story | Gold Key | Lna Roy Rachel Snyder | |||||||
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Tamsyn Brann | 9 | Oh, What Have You Done? | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Lna Roy Rachel Snyder | |||||||
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Claudine Brantley | 12 | Untitled | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Alex Miller James Honeycutt | |||||||
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Annika Braun | 7 | A Slice Of Scarlet | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Silver Key | Lna Roy | |||||||
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Isabelle Breier | 10 | The Fire | Short Story | Gold Key | Benjamin Johnson Renee Harlow | |||||||
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Molly Breitbart | 12 | The Streets Of Jerusalem | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key | Michael Devito | |||||||
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Molly Breitbart | 12 | Miscellaneous Fowl: A Short Poetic Collection (Teenagers And Turkeys, On Not Being Born A Pigeon) | Poetry | Silver Key | Michael Devito | |||||||
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Daniel Bring | 9 | Product | Short Story | Silver Key | Rebecca Wallace-Segall Jonathan Zimmerman | |||||||
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Leyla Brittan | 11 | Montana Dream | Flash Fiction | Gold Key | Frank Ceruzzi | |||||||
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Leyla Brittan | 11 | Hall Of Mirrors | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Silver Key | Frank Ceruzzi | |||||||
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Leyla Brittan | 11 | The Will Construct | Short Story | Silver Key | Frank Ceruzzi | |||||||
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Julian Bruno | 7 | Into The Woods | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention | Christina Sweeney | |||||||
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Julian Bruno | 7 | Darkenss, Cat's Ballet , Sunflower | Poetry | Silver Key | Christina Sweeney | |||||||
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Adam Bucheister | 12 | The Library Mystery | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Deborah Goodman | |||||||
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Adam Bucheister | 12 | A Simple Request | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Deborah Goodman | |||||||
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Adam Bucheister | 12 | Dylan | Flash Fiction | Silver Key | Deborah Goodman | |||||||
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Adam Bucheister | 12 | A Pleasant Walk Through The Plains Of Idaho | Flash Fiction | Silver Key | Deborah Goodman | |||||||
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Lucy Burnett | 10 | How To Watch A Summer Thunder Storm | Poetry | Gold Key | Jeff Schwartz | |||||||
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Ivory Butler | 10 | Dear Boys | Poetry | Gold Key | Maureen O'Connor Ruth Kambar Anastasia Guadron | |||||||
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Ivory Butler | 10 | The Colors Of Flora | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Maureen O'Connor Ruth Kambar Anastasia Guadron | |||||||
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Jasmine Calhoun | 11 | On The Wing | Dramatic Script | Silver Key | Colin Mannex Caroline Rosenstone | |||||||
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Alison Capozzi | 9 | Such Hate Much Love | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Lna Roy Anastasia Guadron | |||||||
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Marie Ceske | 10 | Count, White Other | Poetry | Silver Key | Susan Silver r dir="ltr"> |
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Marc Rod | 10 | The Parrot | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | Raegan Russell Nicole Butterfield |
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Emmy Roday | 10 | Tides | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key | Caroline Rosenstone | |||||||
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Emmy Roday | 10 | Bubs | Flash Fiction | Gold Key | Sari Rosenblatt Colin Mannex Caroline Rosenstone | |||||||
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Joseph Rogers | 10 | Intruders | Short Story | Gold Key | Ross Abrams | |||||||
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Joseph Rogers | 10 | The Questionnaire | Short Story | Silver Key | Ross Abrams | |||||||
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Lena Rubin | 12 | Sex Education In Steubenville's Wake | Journalism | Honorable Mention | Peter Scotch | |||||||
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Lena Rubin | 12 | Uncanny | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Peter Scotch | |||||||
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Raquel Ruiz | 7 | Depression | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | Christina Sweeney | |||||||
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Minahil Salam | 10 | Dazed, Realities, Strangers, Tracks, Two Roads | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Kristin Schulz | |||||||
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Minahil Salam | 10 | Her Silhouette | Poetry | Silver Key | Kristin Schulz | |||||||
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Minahil Salam | 10 | Lines, Sweater Weather, Red Lips | Poetry | Silver Key | Kristin Schulz | |||||||
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Minahil Salam | 10 | Pause | Poetry | Silver Key | Kristin Schulz | |||||||
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Jacqueline San Jose | 8 | My Voice | Poetry | Silver Key | Tricia Baldes | |||||||
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Elijah Santner | 11 | Trampoline | Poetry | Silver Key | Trace Schillinger | |||||||
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Will Schenck | 7 | Small Steps to Big Ideas | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Stacey Faulk | |||||||
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Brian Schmitt | 10 | Gone, I Have Ghosts, The Brilliance in Snow, Mortal Anxiety | Poetry | Gold Key | Nicole Butterfield | |||||||
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Brian Schmitt | 10 | Shards | Short Story | Gold Key | Nicole Butterfield | |||||||
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Brian Schmitt | 10 | See, Sammy | Short Story | Gold Key | Nicole Butterfield | |||||||
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Brian Schmitt | 10 | The War Of The Mayfly | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Nicole Butterfield | |||||||
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Brian Schmitt | 10 | Starting Over, Darkness From Darkness, I Am a Guest of Your Mountain | Poetry | Silver Key | Nicole Butterfield | |||||||
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Kanani Schnider | 11 | Portrait Of A Boy | Flash Fiction | Gold Key | Judith Schneller | |||||||
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Kanani Schnider | 11 | Brain Injury | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Judith Schneller | |||||||
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Kanani Schnider | 11 | Oceans Away | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Judith Schneller | |||||||
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Kanani Schnider | 11 | Sun Hunt | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Silver Key | Judith Schneller | |||||||
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Hannah Schrader | 11 | Song Of Myself | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Caroline Dumaine | |||||||
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John Schrieber | 7 | The House On Trinity Pass | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | Adam Frick | |||||||
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Maeve Searles | 9 | Elizabeth | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Lna Roy | |||||||
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Lucy Sedky | 10 | Daddy's T-shirts | Poetry | Silver Key | Ross Abrams | |||||||
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Ryan Seller | 7 | The Art Of Procrastination / Healing Love / Haiku Code / Unplugged / Trout Lake | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Adam Frick | |||||||
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Olivia Selmonosky | 9 | Praeteritae Vinceris Futurum | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Nicole Butterfield | |||||||
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Olivia Selmonosky | 9 | Eyes Closed, Mind Open | Poetry | Silver Key | Nicole Butterfield | |||||||
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Kevin Shen | 9 | The Zeus Rap | Poetry | Silver Key | Aaron Shansky | |||||||
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Min Ju Shin | 11 | Hope That Heals Sorrow | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Tom Hungerford | |||||||
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Anetta Shirky | 12 | Pink Lemonade | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Tom Huleatt | |||||||
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Anetta Shirky | 12 | Step Aside, Dick And Jane | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | Tom Huleatt | |||||||
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Katha Sikka | 10 | Why Fear When I Am Here? | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key | Kamal Sikka | |||||||
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Carolyn Simpson | 11 | Together We Are | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Caroline Rosenstone Bruce Cohen | |||||||
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Sophia Slezak | 8 | What I Am | Poetry | Silver Key | Tricia Baldes | |||||||
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Caroline Smith | 8 | The Secret Garden | Poetry | Silver Key | Tricia Baldes | |||||||
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Julia Smith | 11 | Hooking Up | Poetry | Gold Key | Lna Roy Anastasia Guadron | |||||||
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Julia Smith | 11 | Chromatography | Poetry | Gold Key, American Voices Nominee | Lna Roy Anastasia Guadron | |||||||
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Julia Smith | 11 | Soliloquist's Creed | Poetry | Gold Key | Lna Roy Elizabeth Higgins | |||||||
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Julia Smith | 11 | On Loss | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Lna Roy Elizabeth Higgins | |||||||
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Sophia Soloway | 7 | Group Therapy | Dramatic Script | Honorable Mention | Lna Roy | |||||||
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Sophia Soloway | 7 | How To Love Lime Green | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Lna Roy | |||||||
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Sophia Soloway | 7 | The Dress | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | Lna Roy | |||||||
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Sarah Sommer | 10 | Burnt Out, Telescope, Drunk | Poetry | Silver Key | Delbert Shortliffe | |||||||
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Sarah Sommer | 10 | Forgetting All That You Once Were, Lonesome, Farewell | Poetry | Silver Key | Delbert Shortliffe | |||||||
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Charles Sosnick | 11 | Paperback Typewriter | Humor | Honorable Mention | Michael McAteer | |||||||
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Charles Sosnick | 11 | Ship Of Fools | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Michael McAteer | |||||||
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Sarah Speegle | 8 | Hong Kong | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Brooks Eleck | |||||||
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Isabella Starvaggi | 11 | Soles in Puddles; Morning Monsters, Dream State; Steep; Someone Whom I'd Gladly Meet; Breakfast Fruit | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Susan Pung | |||||||
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Isabella Starvaggi | 11 | Things that Make Me Feel Like a Child; The First Time I Gave a Try to Meditation; The Daily: Winter; A Small Worry; Life and Art | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Susan Pung | |||||||
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Shira Stefansky | 10 | The Happiness Book | Short Story | Silver Key | Chavie Bodenheim | |||||||
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Johnathan Stimpson | 9 | "The Dark Side of Budapest: Story of Joe Koufax" | Journalism | Honorable Mention | Emily Bosson | |||||||
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Johnathan Stimpson | 9 | "Bula!" | Personal Essay/Memoir | Silver Key | Emily Bosson | |||||||
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Johnathan Stimpson | 9 | "Case Study In Democratic Socialism: How America Can Take A Cue From Germany's Playbook" | Persuasive Writing | Silver Key | Emily Bosson | |||||||
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Anna Strosser | 9 | Silver Lining | Poetry | Gold Key | Lna Roy Anastasia Guadron | |||||||
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Anna Strosser | 9 | Waking The Silence | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Lna Roy Anastasia Guadron | |||||||
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Verity Sturm | 10 | Pobrecito | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | John Geason | |||||||
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Neil Suri | 10 | Exploring The Depths Of The Human Mind: The Role Of Magnetic Resonance | Journalism | Gold Key | Pei-ling Lue | |||||||
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Neil Suri | 10 | I Don't Know Emotion | Poetry | Gold Key | Pei-ling Lue | |||||||
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Neil Suri | 10 | Spiritual Departure; The Misanthrope's Suicide Note | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Pei-ling Lue | |||||||
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Neil Suri | 10 | The Taste Of The Universe; An Ode To The Big Apple | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Pei-ling Lue | |||||||
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Lauren Telesz | 10 | "He is an Angel brought to light on earth" | Poetry | Gold Key | Michaela Pembroke Elizabeth Cleary | |||||||
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Megan Townsend | 12 | What I Think And Feel At Seventeen | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Carolyn Lastowski | |||||||
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Rachel Townsend | 8 | Storytellers | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Tricia Baldes | |||||||
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Katie Tsui | 10 | Stars | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Jennifer Von Wahlde | |||||||
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Briana Turner | 11 | Define Me. Darkest Night | Poetry | Gold Key | Alyssa Dranoff-MacKenzie | |||||||
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Briana Turner | 11 | Lover's Tango. Bobbing Knees | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Alyssa Dranoff-MacKenzie | |||||||
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Caroline Vanderlee | 10 | The Rifters | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Silver Key | Lna Roy Anastasia Guadron | |||||||
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Gabriela Vaz | 12 | Summer Never Left Me | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Marcia Wilson | |||||||
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Alexandra Wagner | 8 | I Learned, Beauty of the World, That Day on the Playground | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Griffen Stabler | |||||||
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Dorothy Walker | 7 | Before and After | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Adam Frick | |||||||
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Kristen Walsh | 7 | The Performance | Poetry | Gold Key | marc maier | |||||||
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Zachary Walsh | 12 | L'appel Du Vide | Poetry | Silver Key | Wil Lobko | |||||||
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Austin Weber | 11 | Ode to the Ancient Redwood; The Watchman | Poetry | Silver Key | Jennifer Chen Ethan White Jenny Heath | |||||||
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Austin Weber | 11 | "Dj Vu" - Song Lyrics | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Jenny Heath Ethan White Jennifer Chen | |||||||
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Hope Weisman | 9 | Is 20/20 Overrated? | Personal Essay/Memoir | Gold Key | Nicole Butterfield | |||||||
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Hope Weisman | 9 | Ending To "The Lady or the Tiger" | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Nicole Butterfield | |||||||
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Anthony Weitzler | 12 | Canto I: Inferno, Canto II: Purgatorio, Canto III: Paradisio | Poetry | Silver Key | Sonya Allard | |||||||
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William Weitzman | 10 | Mortuusequusphobia | Humor | Silver Key | Ross Abrams | |||||||
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Lindsay West | 10 | Perfect | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Diane Sarna | |||||||
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Lindsay West | 10 | Winter | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Diane Sarna | |||||||
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Anthony Wilcox | 7 | The Special Bed, The Stick On The Side Of The Road | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Terry Ellis Terra Geissler | |||||||
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Kate Williams | 8 | Inconsistent Channel | Poetry | Silver Key | Tricia Baldes | |||||||
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Rachel Wolfe | 12 | Collected Works | Writing Portfolio | Honorable Mention | Stephen Mounkhall | |||||||
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Rachel Wolfe | 12 | To Knock Or Not | Poetry | Gold Key | Stephen Mounkhall | |||||||
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Rachel Wolfe | 12 | I Disappoint You | Poetry | Gold Key | Stephen Mounkhall | |||||||
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Rachel Wolfe | 12 | Doors | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Stephen Mounkhall | |||||||
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Rachel Wolfe | 12 | Finding Myself | Personal Essay/Memoir | Honorable Mention | Stephen Mounkhall | |||||||
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Rachel Wolfe | 12 | Daddy | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Stephen Mounkhall | |||||||
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Rachel Wolfe | 12 | How To Be Inspired By Jamaica Kincaid | Poetry | Honorable Mention | Stephen Mounkhall | |||||||
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Rachel Wolfe | 12 | Little Boxes | Short Story | Honorable Mention | Stephen Mounkhall | |||||||
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Rachel Wolfe | 12 | To Press Submit | Persuasive Writing | Silver Key | Stephen Mounkhall | |||||||
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Rachel Wolfe | 12 | About The Learning | Poetry | Silver Key | Stephen Mounkhall | |||||||
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Karlin Wong | 12 | Collected Works | Writing Portfolio | Honorable Mention | Austin Davis Michael Peed | |||||||
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Tyler Wright | 12 | She Smelled Like Strawberries | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Donna Carbone | |||||||
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Tyler Wright | 12 | Excerpt of: He Never Let On | Dramatic Script | Silver Key | Donna Carbone | |||||||
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Katharine Wu | 10 | Tiger Maracas | Flash Fiction | Gold Key | Jeffrey Solan | |||||||
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Demetra Yancopoulos | 8 | Break It | Flash Fiction | Honorable Mention | Trevor Ogden | |||||||
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Alexander Yang | 10 | The Adventurous Life Of Rodger The Rock | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Honorable Mention | Elizabeth Buckles | |||||||
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Callie Zola | 8 | Apples (and Oranges) | Science Fiction/Fantasy | Gold Key | Rachel Snyder |
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