Congratulations 2023 Bay Area Scholastic Writing Awards recipients!
View the full list of works recognized in the 2023 Bay Area Writing Region of the Scholastic Writing Awards below!
A panel of professional novelists, editors, teachers, poets, librarians, journalists, and other literary professionals selected these works from 2,965 works submitted this year.
- 525 Honorable Mentions awarded to promising works
- 299 Silver Keys awarded to distinguished works
- 182 Gold Keys awarded to the most accomplished works
- 5 American Voice Nominees selected as the strongest regional works
Gold Keys are automatically forwarded for consideration at the national level of the Scholastic Writing Awards.
To recognize their outstanding work, this year's Gold Key, Silver Key, and Honorable Mention recipients are invited, along with their guests, teachers, and our esteemed jurors, to the 2023 Awards Ceremony for the Bay Area Metro Writing Region of the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards!
- Date: Sunday, March 12th, 2023
- Time: 1 PM to 3 PM
- RSVP form link
- Following the ceremony, we invite you to join Writopia Lab’s Turning the Page, a teen-led social justice committee for an afternoon of Cozy Crafts and Community! Bring all things crafty and celebrate your passion projects with us. It can be knitting, writing, collaging, even coloring books and more! RSVP here.
American Voices Nominees
These Gold Key works were selected by our jurors for consideration as the Bay Area Writing Region's National American Voices Medal, to be announced in March.
- Zoe Dorado of Castro Valley High School, for On Consuming (Poetry)
- Brian Guan of Dublin High School, for Funeral (Short Story)
- Elane Kim of Stanford Online High School, for PHIL-120 (Personal Essay & Memoir)
- Ashir Rao of Los Gatos High School, for New APs Announced! (Humor)
- Abigail Song of Homestead High School, for Life is Brief (Short Story)
2023 Bay Area Scholastic Awards
What's Hot?
School Year Programs
- Enroll now in Spring Trimester workshops.
- Spring Break Workshops
Summer Programs
- Half-Day and Full-Day workshops
- WriCampia: Sleepaway Camp for kids and teens
- Advanced Writing Seminar: Two-Week Pre-College Program in NYC
Upcoming Events
- March 29th, 2025: Teen Open Mic in NYC!
- April 28th, 2025: Writopia's 2025 Gala
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Weekly Trimester-Long Workshops
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Holiday & School Break Workshops
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Overnight Programs