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Creative Portfolio for Teen Writers

Teen Portfolio Image

The Creative Portfolio program places an emphasis on understanding how writing in a variety of forms (narrative, poetry, memoir, script) enriches and informs every writer. These workshops inspire teen writers to set and achieve writing goals: completing multiple well-developed, polished pieces in different genres throughout the school year.

In-person and online options are available.

By building a community of teen writers connected via their literary passions and having lots of fun, we empower students as peer leaders, developing skills in writing, editing, analysis, and effective communication.

Application Only
  • In Creative Portfolio, we explore many different kinds of writing, some that will take you out of your comfort zone! Your writer’s statement should reflect both what you love about writing, and how it challenges you. Our theme this year will be on perspective: “who lives, who dies, who tells your story” (Hamilton). What does “perspective“ mean to you in the context of your writing? How has your writing process enhanced or changed your perspective on yourself or your world? (500-650 words). We will also need a 5-page writing sample and a teacher recommendation.

Apply Here!

Teen collage

Participation in the school-year Creative Portfolio program includes:
  • 33 weekly workshop sessions over the school year
  • Three monthly online Master Classes on Saturdays (Dates TBA)
  • Previous Master Classes included: Nature Writing, Food Writing, Stand-up Comedy, Stories in Verse, Conversation with an agent/ editor/ publishing professional, and more!
  • One five-hour online Submissions Prep workshop
    • We offer THREE Submission Prep workshops that your writer may choose from. If they’d like to attend more than one, they are able to register and pay the tuition for the other days.
      • Scholastic Awards Submissions Prep workshops before the Scholastic deadline in early December 2025
        • Dates TBA
      • Publishing Prep Workshop
        • Writers will learn about different avenues for publishing both short and long-form work. Attendees will work with our instructors in small groups on developing, deepening, and submitting their work to their chosen venues. There will also be informational Q&A sessions with professionals in the field.
        • Date TBA
  • Two hours of one-on-one Portfolio Review sessions between the writer and their instructor to be taken at any point during the school year.
  • A bound copy of the Creative Portfolio Yearbook: an anthology of writing curated by Creative Portfolio teens.
  • Option (for an extra fee) to attend the Creative Portfolio Retreat in the Spring of 2026. Location TBD.
    Creative Portfolio members will be expected to:
    • Be challenged to explore new genres.
    • Attend peer community events.
    • Read weekly communications every Tuesday from Director of Teen Programs Léna Roy with relevant information, reminders, sign-ups, and planning.
    • Take the opportunity to complete an internship—strongly recommended for Creative Portfolio teens in 10th grade and up.
      • Participants commit to completing at least one trimester-long assistant teaching internship during the school year under the supervision of a workshop instructor OR
      • Join a committee for the school year, such as
        • Turning the Page: a social justice committee that plans round tables and curates an anthology.
        • Editorial Internship: working with Writopia Lab’s lit mags.
        • Community and Literary Event Committee: meeting bi-weekly to help plan and organize regional in-person meetups and events including field trips.
        • Teen Writers Summit: helping organize a literary panel of professionals for teens in the fall.
        • Yearbook: organizing a Creative Portfolio yearbook as a spring project.
    Creative Portfolio Tuition
    • Payment for this school-year-long commitment can be made one of two ways:
      • Full Year
        • $2550 (compared to a $2805 value)
      • Per trimester
        • $935 (pay for one trimester)
        • Sliding scale options: $695 (if you can not afford the full trimester fee); $535 (please only choose this if absolutely necessary)
          • Please note: the sliding scale options are only for families that cannot afford the full fee. If you can afford the full fee, please respect our inclusive spirit, our trust in our community, and our need to stay afloat during these financially challenging times. But please use the sliding scale options if you need to! Thank you so much for your understanding and support.
    Make-Up Policy

    Creative Portfolio writers are expected to commit to their workshop time throughout the school year and there are no make-ups for absences. However, as we are a national community and Creative Portfolio workshops are online, we are able to make some exceptions if you have a schedule change/conflict. If you have another extracurricular that will absent you from three or more workshop sessions, we can work with you if we are given ample notice.

    Enroll Now!

    Weekly Trimester-Long Workshops

    Check out the Weekly Trimester-Long Schedule.

    Holiday & School Break Workshops

    Check out the Half-Day and Full-Day schedules.

    Overnight Programs