Written by Lena Roy and Peter Quinn-Jacobs
LENA: Scholastic season may be over, and sure we’ve all rolled up our sleeves and gotten back to work, but as writers, we also need to celebrate when we can. We celebrate the fact that we submitted at all. It’s lovely to be recognized of course, but more important is claiming our seats as writers in the spirit of community rather than competition. I’m here with my esteemed colleague Peter Quinn-Jacobs, who wears many hats including heading up our Writopia Scholastic team. As our representative affiliate for the awards, he is in charge of overseeing multiple areas including adjudication for the DC Metro Area, and ceremonies in DC and NYC’s Northern suburbs, the H2H region. He is also integral to the inner workings of Writopia as a whole! But back to Scholastic — Peter, we have some celebrations coming up, don’t we?
PETER: Why yes Lena, we do indeed! We’ll be celebrating teen writing in my hometown of Washington DC on Sunday, March 9th, and then I’ll be traveling to Westchester for the ceremony in your neck of the woods. I’m excited! It’s a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community.
LENA: We encourage our teen Writopians to practice submitting their writing, and Scholastic is a great way to do that. It’s an opportunity to put ourselves out there! After all, we apply to all sorts of things as we grow — summer programs, colleges, jobs — so tell me Peter, what was Writopia representation like this year at the Scholastic Awards?
PETER: I am super proud of all of our Writopians who submitted this year. Over sixty of our writers earned recognition, many of them winning multiple awards! Some received honorable mentions, some received silver keys, and more than twenty received Gold Keys— including four senior portfolios!
LENA: Yes! Seniors Sophia Alvarez, Arava Chaiken, Sydney Davis, and Tara Prakash all received Gold Keys for their Portfolios! And what about American Voice Nominations?
PETER: Oh right! American Voice Nominations are extremely competitive, with only five works being chosen from each region being chosen among thousands of submissions. This year, two Writopians have the honor of their work receiving a nomination. Tara Prakash from DC and Mia Bornstein from the H2H region each had a piece selected.
LENA: I know both of them worked so hard on those pieces. Being nominated is huge by itself! We’re so thrilled for all our writers who completed pieces, revised, and put themselves out there this year in various writing recognition programs. Onward and upward!
Writopians Represent! (If you received an award and you are not listed here, please let us know!)
- Sophia Alvarez
- Aravah Chaiken
- Sydney Davis
- Tara Prakash
- Silver
- Teddy Lykouretzos
- Honorable Mention
- Bee Kanofsky
- Mia Bornstein
- Sophie Chen
- Isabella Choi
- Nell Choi
- Beatrix Gruver
- Rory Frasch
- Michaela Frey
- Naomi Jeske
- Bee Kanofsky
- Emilia Kicillof
- Brian Li
- Charlotte Long
- Jun Lowenhar
- Isabelle Oh
- Ruth Pournelle
- Tara Prakash
- Cordelia Scoville
- Rayaan Shaik
- Aashvi Singh
- Emmerson Todd
- Lillian Weiss
- Sophia Alvarez
- Izzy Ardizzoni
- Laurel Aronian
- Zoe Becker
- Claire Breslow
- Sonali Browning
- Aravah Chaiken
- Nell Choi
- Blake Feinstein
- Michaela Frey
- Sofia Hernandez
- Arielle Horace
- Bee Kanofsky
- Brandon Kim
- Naomi Jeske
- Aisling Joyce
- Serine Lee
- Jun Lowenhar
- Mai McKelvey-Pham
- Netta Nov
- Isabella Oh
- Tara Prakash
- Eliza Rorech
- Angie Rubenstein
- Cordelia Scoville
- Lili Sella
- Aashvi Singh
- Yanic Valbrun
- Jo Wallace-Segall
- Maxanne Wallace-Segall
- Chloe Yaeger
- Maira Zaidi
- Emily Appleyard
- Izzy Ardizzoni
- Laurel Aronian
- Sonali Browning
- Aravah Chaiken
- William Chen
- Blake Feinstein
- Sarah Froman
- Ananya Govind
- Beatrix Hatch
- Gabe Horowitz
- Hayden Ingberg
- Naomi Jeske
- Aisling Joyce
- Emilia Kicillof
- Max Lally
- Serine Lee
- Brian Li
- Berrit Nordlander-Borowski
- Anne Pospisil
- Tara Prakash
- Viraaj Raofield
- Nina Rogers
- Eliza Rorech
- Jack Rosenfeld
- Angie Rubenstein
- Cordelia Scoville
- Fenley Scurlock
- Lili Sella
- Eden Sharon
- Aashvi Singh
- Ryan Tang
- Zsuzsa Teleki
- Emmerson Todd
- Hugh Vickery
- Maxanne Wallace-Segall
- Chloe Yaeger
- Maira Zaidi